Assessment at St Helen's 


Assessment is an essential element of teaching and learning and provides us with crucial information to ensure learning is focused towards the needs of the learner. 

 The following assessment methods are used: 

1. Formative- Assessment for learning 

2. Summative - Assessment of learning 

Assessment allows us to know what has been learned by all children and what the appropriate next steps are developmentally. Both verbal and written feedback is given to support children in knowing what they need to do or know to improve. 

"If nothing has changed in long-term memory, nothing has been learned"

Kirschner, Sweller & Clark 



Micro level - Formative assessment (Task by task) 

Formative assessment is used in all curriculum areas in every lesson and is ongoing task by task. This form of assessment is used to monitor students progress and check that something is being learned. We check for understanding every second of our lessons and ensure that precise choices are made to ensure proxies for good learning are evident. 

Effective methods include:

- Whole class whiteboard use 

- Questioning 

- Retrieval tasks

Meso level - Lesson by lesson assessment 

Lesson by lesson assessments are conducted to ensure that children are remembering more. ‘Do Nows’ (knowledge checks) are completed at the beginning of every lesson to ensure children are remembering the content that has been taught. The data from these assessments allow teachers to recover content that is relevant either in a brief way or more intense. 

These are done through: 

Macro level - End of unit

End of unit assessments are conducted to ensure that content has been learnt. End of unit assessments are specific to the content that has been taught and are created from the content taught, meaning they are not samples. These assessments give specific data and analysis per child to inform which content areas need further exposure. 

Mega level - Standardised test 

Standardised tests are held once per year and make up a sample of content. A mixture of domains are covered in various year groups: 

- Year 1 Phonics screening 

- Year 2 SATS 

- Year 6 SATS


Interactive assessment and feedback policy 

22/23 Interactive assessment and feedback

Trust wide assessment overview

Assessment: Primary Overview 2023/24

Assessment at St Helen's

Assessment at St Helen’s 23/24