Religious Education

Religious Education Statement of Intent:

Our R.E curriculum at St Helen’s is designed to prepare children for life in a world where there are a multitude of viewpoints. We encourage children to make their own informed decisions and explore their own beliefs. We engage pupils to develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influences of world religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community. 



Through our R.E curriculum at St Helen's, children will develop:


Micro level - Formative assessment (Task by task) 

Ongoing AFL during lessons through: 

- Eliciting information through questioning and dialogue 

- Providing feedback with clear direction on how to improve 

- Helping children to understand how to become successful (criteria) 

Meso level - Lesson by lesson assessment 

- Knowledge checks at the start of the lesson to ensure children are remembering more content and vocabulary over time

- ‘Do now’ retrieval quizzes at the start of every lesson to recall key content and vocabulary from previous lesson

Macro level - End of unit

End of unit assessment based around content and knowledge taught throughout the unit. 

Data analysis to inform future planning and coverage. 

Mega level - Standardised test 

No Standardised tests are in place for the R.E Curriculum

Pupil voice - COMING SOON

R.E Showcase


Religious Education Subject Documentation

Curriculum Overview

Long term overview

EYFS & KS1 Progression map

St Helen's R.E Curriculum Overview 2022-2023
RE long term overview - 2022-23
RE progression map EYFS/KS1 - 2022/23

LKS2 Progression map

UKS2 Progression map

Subject handbook

RE progression map LKS2 - 2022/23
RE progression map UKS2
Copy of RE handbook 21/22
