Year 4 

Welcome to Year 4 with Miss Murphy & Miss Clark

Key Information


Every Monday, your child will be sent home with their homework books and will have a maths task and reading/SPaG task to complete.  They will  then need to return their homework by Friday of the same week. 

P.E Days

P.E days may change. We will inform you via your child and by sending out a Marvellous Me which day it will be weekly.


Our aim is for every child to read at home at least four times per week, recording home reading on their reading records. Your child will always have a reading book to take home, as well as an additional library book of their choice to enjoy. If your child reads at home four times per week they will be entered in to a prize draw to win a reading book from our prize box! 

We are currently reading .. 

The Boy at the Back of the Class- Onjali  Q. Rauf

Curriculum Map

Year Group Reading Implementation

Curriculum Knowledge Organisers

Year 4

Check out our class Twitter page!

Have a look at some of the hard work we have been doing so far this half term.