
Computing Statement of Intent:

At St Helen’s we intend that children should master computing to such an extent that they can go on to have careers within computing and make use of computing effectively in their everyday lives, without being completely reliant on technology.  Our children will be taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others.  They will be taught computing in a way that ensures progression of skills and follows a sequence to build on previous learning.  Children will gain experience and skills of a wide range of technology in a way that will enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use technology across a range of subjects to be creative and solve problems, ensuring they make progress.


The Computing  curriculum at St Helen’s Primary Academy is as broad and ambitious as the 2014 Primary National Curriculum in England, which provides a framework and outlines the knowledge and skills taught in each Key Stage. The core skills of computing are taught as a discrete programme (Kapow) across the academy. However, other elements of the computing curriculum are integrated into the curriculum as part of project work. These include online-safety, digital publication and presentation, research, data handling and the use of digital media.

We recognise that children need to learn how to stay safe online and we develop this awareness regularly during computing lessons, and also by participating in Safer Internet Days.


Our children enjoy and value computing and know why we are doing things, not just how.  Children will understand and appreciate the value of computing in the context of their personal wellbeing and the technological, creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities. 

Progress in computing is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children's work, in accordance with our computing assessment policy to ensure that progression of skills is taking place. This will be done through:


Micro level - Formative assessment (Task by task) 

Ongoing AFL during lessons through: 

- Eliciting information through questioning and dialogue 

- Providing feedback with clear direction on how to improve 

- Helping children to understand how to become successful (criteria) 

Meso level - Lesson by lesson assessment 

- Knowledge checks at the start of the lesson to ensure children are remembering more content and vocabulary over time

- ‘Do now’ retrieval quizzes at the start of every lesson to recall key content and vocabulary from previous lesson

Macro level - End of unit

End of unit assessment based around content and knowledge taught throughout the unit. 

Data analysis to inform future planning and coverage. 

Mega level - Standardised test 

No Standardised tests are in place for the Computing curriculum

Work Showcase

Computing Work Showcase

Pupil voice - COMING SOON

Computing Subject Documentation

Curriculum Overview

Computing Curriculum Overview 2023 - 2024

Subject Handbook

St Helen's Computing Handbook 2023 - 2024

National Curriculum 

**National Curriculum - Computing key stages 1 to 2.pdf

Progression Map

Computing Curriculum Progression 2023 - 2024

Progression of Skills

St Helen's Progression of Skills - Computing

Long Term Plan

Computing Long Term Plan

Whole school - key vocabulary 

Key Vocabulary for all year groups

Year group overview by year

Overview of Kapow Topics by Year

 National curriculum overview 

Computing Curriculum Overview Links to the National Curriculum

E-safety rules

E-Safety Rules.docx

Pupil acceptable user agreement - EYFS -Y1

Pupil Acceptable User Agreement EYFS/Year 1

Pupil acceptable user agreement - Y2-Y3

Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement Year 2- Year 3.docx

Pupil acceptable user agreement - Y4-Y6

Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement Y4-6.docx
