SEND Offer

SEND Information

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) Mrs Leanne Jones

The AET SEND policy which is adopted by all academies can be found here

St Helen's Primary Academy SEND Responsibilities can be found on the statutory information page

The School SEN Information Report

This utilizes the LA Local Offer to meet the needs of SEN pupils as determined by school policy, and the provision that the school is able to meet.

What is the LA Local Offer?

The Children and Families Bill will become enacted in 2014. From this date, Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) aged 0-25. This is the ‘Local Offer’.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.

 For details on Barnsley’s Local Offer:

What kinds of SEND do we provide for?

At St Helen’s we aim to support all children and their individual needs. We are able to provide for a wide range of SEND. This may include: Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties, Literacy and numeracy difficulties, Global Developmental Delay (GDD), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), medical and physical needs. Each child will be assessed on an individual basis and given the support that is right from them depending on their specific need.

How do we identify children with SEND? How do we assess and review children’s progress towards outcomes and how are parents and children involved in this process?

All children are assessed regularly within their classrooms and more formally on a half termly basis. Children with SEND may be identified through concerns raised by their class teacher or parental concerns. Once a concern has been raised we will closely follow the assess, plan, do and review process as stated by the SEND code of practice 2014.


These are some of the ways we assess the children before making a decision to move them to SEN Support:

 However, it may well be necessary to explore further the precise gaps in the pupil’s learning and development and to clarify what the barriers to learning may be. Formal investigations may need to be carried out such as:  Standardised tests,  Criterion-referenced assessments and checklists,  Profiling tools, for example for behaviour and speech, language and communication needs, Observation schedules and prompt sheets, Screening assessments, for example for dyslexia.

The SENDCo will make the final decision, alongside the headteacher, taking any of the steps followed above to move the child to SEN Support and help co-ordinate the Planning stage.


Once the need for SEN Support has been identified, the Code is quite clear that the first step in responding to a pupil’s identified need is to ensure that high-quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is in place. Essentially, this should be the teacher asking themselves, with the support of the SENDCO, what they now know – following the individualised assessments they have undertaken – that they didn’t know before about this pupil’s strengths, areas of need, barriers to and gaps in learning and the pupil’s and parents’ views, and then what changes or adaptations to quality- first teaching this new understanding means they need to make.

The Code says that ‘all teachers and support staff who work with the child should be made aware of their needs, the support provided and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required’.

·         The planning process should take place in consultation with the parents and the pupil and should be ‘accurately recorded’.  At St Helen's this involves the use of Edukey and Provision map to build learning support plans and provision maps. The child will have their own provision map to detail interventions, targets and the progress they are making, which will be reviewed and new targets set at least termly. The children are involved in this process and are able to state their likes and dislikes and what helps them within school.

·         Class teachers retain responsibility for the pupil, even when the pupil is undertaking targeted provision away from the classroom, and therefore should be firmly at the centre of the process of planning this provision with the SENDCO and any specialist staff involved with the pupil.

·         Parents and pupils must also be involved.

·         Training is provided for all staff involved in delivering and monitoring targeted provision.

·         The time and place for targeted provision to take place are established and adhered to regularly.

·         Skills learnt during targeted provision are practised back in class.

·         Time and a system for feedback from staff delivering targeted provision to class/ are planned for and this is carefully monitored.

·         Time is available to prepare resources linked to targeted support.

·         Teachers ensure that they seek and are provided with regular feedback on pupils’ learning/progress with targeted provision.

·         Parents understand and agree on the intervention and support and the expected impact.

·         Staff make sure that pupils are clear as to the key aspects of learning they will be working on during this provision.


The SEND Code of Practice places the teacher at the centre of the day-to-day responsibility for working with all pupils, including those with identified SEN, whether receiving SEN Support or with an EHC plan (or current statement), even where interventions and targeted provision involve group or one-to-one teaching away from the class. The imperative is that teachers work closely with any teaching assistants or specialist staff involved to plan and assess the impact of targeted interventions. 


How do we ensure parents of children with SEN are involved in their education?

Parents play a key role in the assess, plan, do, review process. Parents are welcome to make appointments with class teachers and or the SENDCO to discuss their child’s progress throughout the term and are also invited on a termly basis to discuss their child’s progress in a termly review meeting. This will be additional to parents evenings and over parent involvement events throughout the year. Parents will be updated about any changes to targets and interventions or any concerns or achievements their child is making.

How do we ensure children with SEN are involved in their education?

The code clearly states that children must play an active role in their education. All children with identified SEND will have an individualised plan which they will work on with their class teacher. This states their likes, dislikes, what helps them in school and what doesn’t and their targets. They will be given the opportunity to discuss the interventions they are receiving and discuss how they feel they are progressing. Pupils are invited to termly review meetings or if they do not wish to attend they will be given the opportunity to share their views prior to the meeting, which will then be discussed in the meeting.

How do we support children during times of transition?

Children with SEND can find times of transition particularly challenging. This could be a change between teacher, a change of year group, a change of Key Stage or the transition to secondary school. The key to supporting children with transition is to ensure that they understand the change that is going to taking place and have time to process this change. If there is to be a change in the daily routine then the class teacher should ensure that children are aware of this change and are ready to manage this change. When moving from year group to year group or key stage to key stage children with SEND will be given extra opportunities to visit their new teachers and will be given opportunities to discuss any concerns they may have. Some children may need a book made showing their new teacher and new classroom. This will be assessed on an individual basis. Extra support will be given to SEND children when moving to Secondary School. We are developing close links with the secondary schools the children are likely to attend and contact them to discuss support needed for SEND children. SEND children will, whenever possible, be given extra opportunities to visit their secondary school. Transition can be a difficult time for children and parents alike and we welcome parents to come and discuss any concerns they may have with our head teacher, inclusion officer the class teacher or SENDCO. We are fully aware that transition can also happen outside of school, this could take the form of a bereavement, moving home or relationship breakdown. Please feel free to come and discuss any of these things so that we can support your child through these times.

What is our approach to the teaching of children with SEN?

At St Helen’s we strive to ensure that each child achieves their full potential. Therefore we aim to teach SEN though the use of quality first teaching within the classroom and make this as inclusive as possible.  Interventions outside of the classroom will only be used if we feel that this is the best way to help a child progress and will be closely matched to the child’s needs and linked to learning within the classroom.

How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted for children with SEN?

Teachers take the lead in planning for pupils with SEN and therefore have a clear knowledge of what helps each pupil to learn. Within the academy we have non-negotiable expectations for learning environments which include: 

In addition to whole class expectations, individual pupils with SEN are catered for within the classroom. This may include: 

How do we ensure that children with SEN can engage with activities available for children who do not have SEN? 

What specialist expertise (inside and outside of school) is available to support children?

Within school all staff receive regular training to help them support the needs of SEND children. The SENDCO is an experienced teacher and from September 2014 will be completing the SENDCO award, a nationally recognised qualification. We also use the following specialist services in the schools:

The above are based on individual pupil need and most have to be applied for.

The staff also receive training as needs are identified. Some of our training is whole school and other training is directed at those who need it. Some training is delivered by staff within the school, and some is sought by outside providers – either Local Authority, NHS, Third sector or privately.

If children are arriving from other schools or settings with SEND, then our staff make contact with the previous setting. If possible we try to arrange a face-to-face meeting.

How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children with SEN?

Through the use of the assess, review, plan, do process we are able to effectively monitor the provision we are making for SEND children. Where children are not making the progress we feel they are capable of we look closely at the provision being provided and assess its impact. Members of Senior Management complete lesson observations and a focus of this will be SEND children. The SENDCO is monitored by the head teacher and the governors are kept regularly informed through the publication of an SEND report linked to the school improvement plan objectives.

How do we provide pastoral support for children, ensure children are listened to and what measures are taking to ensure children aren’t bullied?

We have a Thrive trained member of the team, Mr Lofthouse, who is available to support pupils who are concerned about behaviour or who are having difficulty during playtime and lunchtimes. In addition, we are training our own St Helen's Friendship Ambassadors, to provide peer support for pupils who are worried or concerned. These pupils will be taking part in the Diana Trust "Anti Bullying Ambassador" Training as well as engaging in within school training. 

St Helen’s is nurturing by nature and there is a strong ethos of caring for each individual child and putting support in as necessary. We place great importance on PSHE and this is taught on a regular basis. Assemblies are also often based around theme of friendship and anti-bullying. We have a zero tolerance policy to bullying (please refer to our anti bullying policy)

We strive to support all children in our school. We can cater for children with significant behavioural issues and work hard to ensure they do not become excluded.

To ensure attendance is increased school celebrates attendance through certificates (both class and individual). Attendance is closely monitored and the school works with the Education Welfare Officer.

The children are able to represent their class in school council meetings. This includes SEN pupils. 

How does the school handle complaints from parents with children of SEN?

Please feel free to come and discuss and concerns you have regarding the provision in school for your child with the class teacher or SENDCO. If you do not feel that your concern has been dealt with please arrange a meeting with the Headteacher. Concerns and complaints will be taken seriously and passed on the Governors.

Who can I contact for further information?

You can contact the following people in school:

Please speak to the office who will arrange for the appropriate person to contact you.

For more information, please click on one of the links below

SEND Code of Practice