
Maths Statement of Intent

At St Helen’s Primary Academy, we aim to ensure that all pupils are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and are given the opportunities to reason mathematically and solve problems. Pupils work through a 6 part lesson structure, which ensures that mathematics is accessible for all and all pupils are appropriately challenged. This will give them strong foundations to allow every child to embrace daily learning opportunities with mathematics. We aim to know more and remember more! 



Pupils will learn to be resilient, confident and fluent mathematicians and demonstrate their understanding, leading them to achieve well. Pupils will be able to independently seek support through using mathematical equipment (concrete), visual representations (pictorial) and relate these to the abstract that are demonstrated during the representing stage of the 6 part lesson structure. Children will acquire core mathematical facts, an understanding of concepts and strategies that they are able to apply successfully and efficiently when solving problems. Children can apply efficient and accurate mathematical methods when faced with more complex calculations or unfamiliar problems. 

‘The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics,’ (Paul Halmos)


Micro level - Formative assessment (Task by task) 

Ongoing AFL during lessons through: 

- Eliciting information through questioning and dialogue 

- Providing feedback with clear direction on how to improve 

- Helping children to understand how to become successful (criteria) 

- Fluency and reasoning exposure and activities in representation teaching

Meso level - Lesson by lesson assessment 

- Knowledge checks at the start of the lesson to ensure children are remembering more content and vocabulary over time

- ‘Do now’ retrieval quizzes at the start of every lesson to recall key content and vocabulary from previous lesson

Macro level - End of unit

No end of unit testing. Daily formative assessment to inform coverage of curriculum and interventions 

Mega level - Standardised test 

Standardised tests in Y6 

Baseline tests inform coverage and provides a starting point for the academic year (GL Assessments)

6 Part Lesson Structure


Everyone is engaged in the task.  100% of the time

Everyone experiences success with no taught input

The practice they are doing will a) help them later in the lesson OR b) build fluency in a key skill


Everyone says the most important kay vocabulary 

The teacher (and children ideally) model using concrete manipulatives 

Everyone uses words and symbols accurately 

Everyone is ready to answer questions 

Everyone answers in full sentences

Misconceptions are anticipated and incorporated 

The Talk task/Let's Explore task is modelled


Everyone is speaking in full sentences 

Everyone uses words and symbols accurately 

Everyone is manipulating objects when appropriate 


References are made to previously learnt models/representations/skills/concepts

Everyone is ready to answer questions 

Everyone answers in full sentences 

Everyone uses words and symbols accurately 

Misconceptions are anticipated and incorporated 

Independent learning task is modelled


Everyone is engaged in completing the task, 100% of the time
Everyone has access to appropriate concrete manipulatives 

Everyone is engaged in learning about the same mathematical concept or skill, with an appropriate amount of scaffolding 

Emphasis on understanding and developing fluency, not rushing to 'cover' ideas 

Extension tasks involve deeper understanding of the same mathematical concept or skill - through solving less routine problems, demonstrating using concrete manipulatives/drawing diagrams, explaining in full sentences or asking their own questions


Collaborately working through a reasoning or problem solving style question

Pupil Voice

We like to learn new things in maths! - Year 1

I enjoy maths lessons. It starts off hard and then it gets a lot easier! - Year 5 

I find maths easy when my teacher uses objects to help explain things to me - Year 2

I feel proud when my teacher tells me well done! - Year 3 

Arithmetic is my favourite time to practice my skills - Year 6

Work Showcase


Maths Zone

Maths Subject Documentation

National Curriculum

Whole school maths guidance

Curriculum overview

Whole school maths guidance
St Helen's Maths Curriculum Overview 2023-24

Long Term Overview - 2023-2024

Mathematics - Long term overviews (ARK) 23/24

Key Representations 

Year 1

Y1 - Key representations

Year 2

Y2 - Key representations

Year 3

Y3- Key representations

Year 4

Y4- Key representations

Year 5

Y5&Y6 - Key representations

Year 6

Y5&Y6 - Key representations
