Reading at Newington


Our vision: Through an immersive journey, our pupils will build their knowledge, skills and passion for language. 

As part of their reading journey, we provide our pupils with wide range of experiences and high quality texts. We believe  that immersing our pupils in a strong reading culture will provide them with the skills they need. This will cultivate a love of reading and nurture a joy of the exploration of language through precise teaching. We hope that pupils develop their reading skills from EYFS through to Year 6  and are able to read with fluency, purpose and pleasure. 

At Newington all pupils from EYFS to Y2 follow the Read, Write Inc Phonics program. Find our more here.     

Pathways to Read

Pathways to Read is a brand-new programme designed to equip pupils from Year 2 onwards with key skills to move them through the reading process towards becoming competent and fluent readers. To support this approach, clear detailed lesson plans and resources are linked to high-quality texts. Pathways to Read ensures engaging and purposeful reading lessons.

Each half term, pupils have the opportunity to engage with a range of high quality texts. During the whole class sessions, pupils will concentrate on one reading skill learning to become a master of this area of reading. These areas include: read and retrieve; language choice; infer; summarise; predict; structure and organisation and compare.  Pupils will then have the opportunity to engage in high quality discussion in smaller groups. 

So that our pupils have the opportunity to acquire a life-long appreciation for the value of language and its application, they also have explicit vocabulary lessons which discuss the etymology and spelling patterns of words. In addition to this, the teaching of fluency in reading is also taught explicitly to provide pupils with the capacity to read fluency and with emphasis. This aids pupils comprehension skills and is a natural progression from the teaching style used in Read, Write, Inc. 

Pupils who need further support in reading have the opportunity to take part in an extension of the Read, Write, Inc programme - Freshstart. 

Freshstart provides pupils with further opportunities to develop their phonics knowledge through a rapid intervention programme.  Pupils will work 1:1 with an adult to support them. The expectation is that by the end of the Freshstart programme, pupils will have developed their fluency and understanding of the texts enabling them to read more accurately.

In addition to this, our pupils with SEND or EAL also have access to Lexia.

Reading at Newington

We want all of our pupils to have a love of reading. Because of this, we want to provide our pupils with as many experiences as possible around reading.  It is important that pupils have the opportunity to read books at their reading level but also books that challenge them, interest them and are from a variety of genres. One of the ways in which we do this at Newington is through engagement with Accelerated Reader and MyON. 

Accelerated Reader assesses the pupils every term so that pupils are always reading a book at an appropriate level. Pupils are given a ZPD which indicates the level at which they should be reading. The ZPD will have a lower end scale (pupils can read easily independently) up to a higher end scale (pupils may need support from an adult). Each time your child finishes a book, they can log on to Accelerated Reader and take a Practice Quiz which will test them on their understanding of the text they have read. 

MyON is an online reading platform that offers pupils a wide range of texts they can read within their ZPD. MyON and Accelerated Reader are linked and so update each time the pupils are assessed ensuring that pupils are always reading at the correct level and reading texts that will challenge them too. 

Reading for Pleasure

‘Reading for Pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s future success’. (OECD, 2002)

At Newington Academy, we wish to nurture children‘s engagement and enjoyment as readers. Therefore, in addition to a levelled book, all pupils are provided with a Reading for Pleasure book from their Reading areas within the year group. This is a book that pupils can choose to read independently or with an adult - but is a book of their choice, not necessarily within their ZPD level. The aim is to develop a passion for and interest in reading 

Research suggests that there are 6 principles to support Reading for Pleasure through engagement and enjoyment: 

Click on the link to read more about these 6 principles.

Reading at home

Here at Newington Academy, we want all pupils to develop a love for reading that will set them up to be successful learners and adults. The more your child reads, the better they will become, opening up a whole host of opportunities in their future. 

We ask that all pupils read everyday - whether this be their levelled reading book, their Reading for Pleasure book or something of their choice at home such as sports programs, comics, recipes and instructions for a game. It is important that this is recorded in their reading diary as your child will receive rewards for the number of reads that they achieve. 


Pupils will receive certificates for the number of reads they achieve with special certificates for 50, 100, 150 and 200 reads. In addition to this, pupils will receive a dip in the Reading prize box once they achieve 150 reads and a book from the vending machine on achieving 200 reads. 

Our Libraries

Newington Academy has updated its library areas with support from the Hull Library Service. Pupils can enjoy a range of text - fiction and non-fiction in our Humanities Library or our STEM Library. It is important to us to provide our pupils with as many opportunities to engage with reading and develop a love of reading. It is through our super library areas and rewards that we hope to encourage our pupils to develop the habit of reading and know its power. 

Reader of the Week



Every Friday, a 'Reader of the Week' from every class is chosen for their enthusiasm in reading or for pushing their limits to read at home. The 'Reader of the Week' has the opportunity to choose a book from our remarkable book vending machine. 



Enrichment in reading

At Newington we want every child to enjoy reading.  Alongside our reading curriculum we offer a range of extra curricular reading opportunities. The James Reckitt Book Award are available for Key Stage 2 children to read a range of books and  to talk about what they have read with other children. Our Media Crew complement this with their production of ‘The Reading Corner’ which is available to view on our YouTube channel . 


World Book Day is always a highlight of our academic year. 
