Our Maths Curriculum

Statement of Intent

At Newington Academy our intention is to  teach a rich and cumulative curriculum that enables our children to reason and problem solve confidently by developing their conceptual understanding in each area of mathematics.

We believe every child can, and should, succeed well in maths. We aim to ensure that our children have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and principles through the consistent and effective use of representation in all areas of the maths curriculum. The use of concrete manipulatives and pictorial representation is key in all lessons, enabling our children to build solid foundations of understanding, on which they can build their reasoning skills.

We use Ark Curriculum plus Maths Mastery to support the delivery of our maths lessons. The 6 part lesson sequence promotes and prioritises the use of representation to underpin the concepts being learned. In addition, it creates opportunities for oracy through the talk tasks to ensure every child has the opportunity to explain, apply and reason through their understanding.



Arithmetic is taught in all year groups through our daily calculations session every morning from 8.40 - 9.00. 

The 9 key topics provide the focus for our Arithmetic teaching in upper keystage 2 and build on the understanding developed in Years 3 and 4 of place value and calculation methods for all four operations. In addition, multiplication tables are embedded and rehearsed supported by Timestable Rockstars, 3 days per week. 

NCETM Number Sense supports the delivery of arithmetic in Keystage 1 and EYFS. This develops a deep numerical understanding and is supported by representation.

Please read our calculation policies to find out more. 

Year 1_Age related CP.docx
Year 2_Age related CP.docx

Mastering Number through NCETM

In addition to their daily Maths lesson, all pupils in Key Stage 1 complete an additional 20 minute NCETM session to develop fluecy and automaticity with number. 

The NCETM website states  Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material. 

Please click here for a short video on the impact of Mastering Number from the NCETM website. 

Year 3_Age related CP.docx
Year 4_Age related CP.docx

Here are year 4 explaining how to represent hundreds, tens and ones. 

Here are year 5 explaining how to solve worded problems 

070923 partitioning.mov
111023worded problems.mov

Here are Year 5 explaining how to use a protractor. 

Year 5_Age related CP.docx
Year 6_Age related CP.docx
Newington explainers extra.mov

Here are some of our Year 5 children explaining their Maths learning. 


The curriculum is made up of 15 units of work.  The AET curriculum consists of units based around 15 mathematical behaviours.

To support pupils to ‘make rich connections across mathematical ideas’, the content of the curriculum for each year group is broken down into 15 annual units, which develop specific mathematical behaviours alongside age-appropriate knowledge and skills. This map applies explicitly from Year 2 to Year 6.