
At Newington Academy our children take great pride in their appearance.

The correct uniform for children from FS2 to Year 6 is detailed here.  

School uniform items such as sweatshirts,  cardigans, PE kits, PE hoodies, fleeces and outdoor coats can be purchased online at https://www.schooltrends.co.uk/uniform/NewingtonAcademyHU35DD 


Black  or Grey Trousers

Pale Blue Polo Shirt

Newington Academy Sweatshirt

Black shoes, with Black laces or plain black trainers



Black or Grey skirt/trousers/pinafore

Pale Blue Polo Shirt

Newington Academy Sweatshirt or Newington Academy Cardigan

Black low heeled shoes with black laces or plain black trainers

Black or Grey Tights

Pupils are asked to wear their PE kits to school on their timetabled PE Day. 

A Newington Academy PE kit consists of 

Please make sure that you are correctly dressed and remember our motto -

"Dress Smart - Think Smart".