
If you have a worry you can tell someone about it here. Jigsaw Joe and their worry box are here to help! Click on Jigsaw Joe to share your worry.

Remember if you need to talk you can talk to your Mum or Dad, any adult in school or a trusted friend.

Welcome to our school website!

Newington is a happy, friendly school with lots to do, see and learn!

We think it's important to make learning memorable so we teach lessons so that everybody can enjoy them and have a chance to make their best even better.

Here's what our pupils think:

"I'm proud to be a Year 6 Tiger - we love learning and never give up!"

Declan - Year 6 Tigers

"Sometimes we work on our own to become more independent but sometimes we work together as a team to talk about the best ways to solve a problem"

Megia - Year 5 Wolves

"Every time my Mummy and Daddy get a Marvellous Me it makes them happy which makes me happy"

Emily - Year 2 Kangaroos

Extra Curricular Clubs

We run a number of Extra-Curricular clubs both before and after the academy hours. Our breakfast club runs daily between 8:00am and 8:45am (last admission is at 8.30am) and is £1 per day. Our Extra-Curricular clubs change termly.

Useful Links