Attendance Rewards from Monty's Shop

Every day counts!

At Newington we offer all pupils lots of incentives and rewards for good attendance becasue we know that good attendance is crucial for children to learn and develop. If you are not in school you cannot learn.

We use the SOL Attendance Diamond to support good attendance. it is our aim that all of our pupils fall into the 'green zone' on the diamond. As soon as any pupil falls out of the green zone class teachers and the attendance team work with pupils to improve attendance. Attendacne is tracked weekly for all learners by class teachers and the senior leadership team.

If you are having difficulties please speak to us so that we can support you - contact Mrs Young, Mrs Walker or Mrs Leighton via the Academy Office (01482 305630) as soon as possible.

Newington Academy Sol Attendance Diamond 2021-2022.jpg

Attendance Rewards can be earned by EVERY pupil

Whole Class rewards

  • Classes with above 96% attendance will earn an additional 10 minute afternoon break a week

  • The class with the highest attendance in a week will receive ‘Fudge Cake Friday’

Individual Attendance Rewards

  • Pupils from FS2 to Y6 are awarded weekly attendance stars for a full week of punctual attendance. Stars are saved and can be exchanged on the last Friday of term for prizes from Monty's shop.

  • Every child with a 100% attendance that week will be entered into a weekly raffle to win the ‘Sweetie Treatie Box’

  • All pupils with expected attendance across the academic year will earn a bouncy castle treat at the end of the academic year.

What will you save your Attendance Stars for? Cick and open in a new windonw to see the full catalogue.

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