What our visitors say...
“It is always a pleasure to visit such a warm and welcoming school. The behaviour of the children is a real credit to the school and I always enjoy my visits.”
“It is always a pleasure to visit such a warm and welcoming school. The behaviour of the children is a real credit to the school and I always enjoy my visits.”
Emma Hardy MP Hull West and Hessle
Emma Hardy MP Hull West and Hessle
"Newington Academy looks like any other school from the front, but 'WOW' - when you walk around the school and meet the Gardening Club and other pupils, it clearly is special!"
"Newington Academy looks like any other school from the front, but 'WOW' - when you walk around the school and meet the Gardening Club and other pupils, it clearly is special!"
Yorkshire In Bloom Judges
Yorkshire In Bloom Judges
"It was a pleasure to come to Newington Academy, the children and staff were brilliant!"
"It was a pleasure to come to Newington Academy, the children and staff were brilliant!"
Dental Care Team
Dental Care Team
"(After my visit) I was left in no doubt that Newington Academy is playing a very positive role in the development of so many of the young people who live in the Hessle Road area and is a credit to the City"
"(After my visit) I was left in no doubt that Newington Academy is playing a very positive role in the development of so many of the young people who live in the Hessle Road area and is a credit to the City"
HCC Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Learning Skills and Safeguarding.
HCC Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Learning Skills and Safeguarding.
"There is a calm, learning orientated atmosphere in all areas and a clear ethos demonstrated by all staff"
"There is a calm, learning orientated atmosphere in all areas and a clear ethos demonstrated by all staff"
Co-operative Learning project visitor
Co-operative Learning project visitor
"Thank you so much for the food from your Harvest Festival, it was a very kind thought on your part"
"Thank you so much for the food from your Harvest Festival, it was a very kind thought on your part"
Local resident
Local resident
"It was great to see enthusiastic and knowledgeable children passionate about their achievements...it has made the school a real community asset with the chance for many children to learn skills for life".
"It was great to see enthusiastic and knowledgeable children passionate about their achievements...it has made the school a real community asset with the chance for many children to learn skills for life".
Hull In Bloom Visitor
Hull In Bloom Visitor
"A welcoming, safe environment where pupils learn valuable skills for life and where a love of learning and respect for one another go hand in hand."
"A welcoming, safe environment where pupils learn valuable skills for life and where a love of learning and respect for one another go hand in hand."
Literacy Intervention consultant
Literacy Intervention consultant
"The atmosphere and ethos at Newington Academy is one of positive enjoyment in learning and this is reflected in the bright and light teaching spaces and in the attitudes of the pupils who are happy and engrossed in their lessons!"
"The atmosphere and ethos at Newington Academy is one of positive enjoyment in learning and this is reflected in the bright and light teaching spaces and in the attitudes of the pupils who are happy and engrossed in their lessons!"
External CPD/Leader of T&L SLE
External CPD/Leader of T&L SLE