
Statement of Intent

At Newington, our primary Science curriculum is designed to captivate and engage students while adhering to the National Curriculum. We prioritise hands-on learning experiences and real-world applications to seamlessly integrate the various skills encompassed in the fields of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. We emphasise the "working scientifically" aspect of our curriculum, providing pupils with opportunities for practical investigations, both in the classroom and within our outdoor spaces and gardens whenever feasible. Through these activities, children are encouraged to tackle open-ended questions and develop problem-solving skills.

Throughout their educational journey, we inspire our students to explore the contributions of significant historical and contemporary scientists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. By doing so, we aim to instil an appreciation for the role of scientific discovery in everyday life and empower students to recognise that anyone can be a scientist. Our curriculum fosters a deep understanding of the importance of science and its applications in shaping the world around us.
