Grab 'n Go Meals

With regard to our free meal program, the Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools Food Service program will continue providing free meals to all children ages 18 and under as long as the school shut- down due to COVID-19 lasts. The week of March 30 - April 3 we will continue providing meals on a daily basis, just as we did prior to Spring Break. Note the changes being implemented beginning Monday, April 6th.

Monday, March 30, 2020 - Friday, April 3, 2020

Families will be able to drive-thru or walk up to receive their grab-and-go meals each day of the week, Monday - Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the following locations:

Lincoln High School, 1801 16th St. So., Wisc. Rapids (front parking lot)

Mead Elementary School, 241 17th Ave. So., Wisc. Rapids (side entrance on Alton Street)

THINK Academy 6950 Knowledge Ave., Rudolph, WI (front entrance)

Beginning Monday, April 6th

Children will receive a grab-and-go lunch plus breakfast for the next day. Beginning Monday, April 6th, we will provide meals on Mondays and Thursdays only, but we will send families home with enough food for their children for the days in between. The THINK Academy location will no longer be a meal site – if you had been getting meals from this location, please plan to go to one of the other sites where meals are being offered. Below you will find details about where and when meals will be provided.

Families will be able to drive-thru or walk up to receive their grab-and-go meals on Mondays and Thursdays only from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the following locations:

Lincoln High School, 1801 16th St. So., Wisc. Rapids (front parking lot)

Mead Elementary School, 241 17th Ave. So., Wisc. Rapids (side entrance on Alton Street)

On Mondays, children will receive food for 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches (for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday meals). On Thursdays, they will receive food for 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches (for Thursday and Friday meals).

Free meals are available to all children, not just those attending WRPS.

This program is solely for the pick-up of meals; meals will not be consumed on-site.

We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of COVID-19 by not congregating at the pick-up locations. Continue to wash your hands often, sneeze or cough into a tissue, and stay home if you are sick.

If you are unable to pick-up meals, plan ahead by calling the Food Services line at 715-424-6703 ext. 2, by 9:00 am on the days of meal service, and we will deliver meals for each child under 18 in the home on the days that meal pick-ups are scheduled. Questions? Call the number provided above, or email Food Services Director Elizabeth Messerli at