
Scholastic Book Club Pop-Up Shop. Order online and the books will be shipped to you. Our online book link is:


Providing school at home when school is cancelled. Many ideas/links and a reality check.

Free Catholic movies, e-books, media & curriculum for adults and children

confident parents confident kids: A site for parents actively supporting kids' social and emotional development

Time for Kids magazine is free for the rest of the year. It has many activities included.

Virtual Field Trips (Click on colored text for links. Safe Travels!)

Parents with an iPhone or iPad you actually have a scanner! If you are planning to scan any work to your teachers (or teachers if you are scanning work to your students) you can use the ‘Notes App’. Open a new note, press the camera button, the option to scan document will pop up. Once the document is scanned you can email it with less band width than a photo.