4/16/2020 Morning Message

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Good Morning, St. Vincent Families,

Today is the 14th day of learning at home.

How are you? Are you feeling ok?

What do you need? Things are getting into a routine; however, you may be needing things now that you didn’t at the beginning of our closure. Please let Mrs. Kuhn, your child’s teacher, or me know of any need for your family.

Along with our Quick Access menu, please remember to check your/your child's acswr.org emails regularly for information from your teachers.

So you would like to do Morning Announcements?

Students: If you would like to send your Vocaroo (send me the link) with an introduction including your name, our pledge, an awesome prayer, and an inspirational message to our school community, that would be totally awesome. Click on this link for the template.


This week is a 3-day week for students. Report cards will be able to be accessed on your ParentsWeb account in FACTS. You will be receiving an email from Mrs. Leberg when they are ready.

Virtual Spirit Week

We are looking for pictures of your family with your 4-legged friends this week. Please send them on to Mrs. Leberg at nleberg@assumptioncatholicschools.org

Online Story-Time

Here is a link to a site that has a schedule of our favorite authors reading books and doing some activities. Take a look. Remember the crazy pigeon books? Mo Willems has a date each week! How cool is that?

Song of the Day

Quite often at our after school prayer service we have music playing. Thank you to the Kuhn family for suggesting I Surrender by Hillsong Worship. Enjoy. If you have any you would like to share, please send them along.

Peace to you and wash your hands,

Mrs. Fochs