January 2022

Global Pediatrics Program Newsletter

Risha Moskalewicz, MD

Director, Global Pediatrics Track

Happy New Year everyone! Though it may be cold here in Minnesota, our hearts are warmed celebrating the steadfastness and commitment of this global health community as we begin 2022. We are especially excited about reuniting with our international partners face to face this year. Through our ongoing efforts we hope to spread peace and health to our world's children. 


Risha, on behalf of the Global Pediatrics Faculty

Upcoming Events

"Through many lenses: Global Health Practice and the Pediatric Hospitalist"

Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. CST

Nasreen Quadri, MD, CTropMed®, Cindy Howard, MD, MPHTM, and Emilia Connolly, DO, MPH


Global Child Health Research Series: "Research in Uganda and Research Path"

Thursday, February 3, 2022 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CST

Sarah Lofgren, MD


Global Child Health Research Series: "Research in Uganda and Research Path"

Thursday, March 17, 2022 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CST

Harriet "Hattie" Opondo, PhD, 


Chief's Corner

Phil Plager, MD

Happy New Year!

At the start of 2022, I write to you from Saipan. Currently, I am working a 3-month contract on a small island in the Pacific doing full spectrum Pediatrics. I have been thinking often about how my training at the University of Minnesota has prepared me for this experience. 

My daily work involves seeing kids in clinic, rounding in the newborn nursery, going to high risk deliveries, providing care for pediatric inpatients including in the PICU and NICU. I'm drawing on experiences from seemingly every rotation in residency. There are no sub-specialists on the island. Every day is a marker of growth and I am being stretched constantly. I am supported here by a fantastic group of general pediatricians who have trained across the United States. 

I never thought that I would be here. This was not part of the plan as I entered residency. It is hard to predict the knowledge and skills that will be useful later. 

When I was 18 and a long term visitor in Uganda, I met an influential mentor who told me something that has stuck with me. "Be a sponge, do your best to soak up life's experience and knowledge". 

My message to the residents is the same; be a sponge. Take as much away from each rotation as you can. You never know when something will become useful later. Go to deliveries, be the head of the bed, look for opportunities for procedures, take a moment to glean some extra experience from your attending or a colleague, be humbled by what your patients teach you. I'll be the first one to tell you though, sometimes the best thing you can do to learn more is to rest. However, don't write anything off. When you feel able, lean in again. 

My heart is connected to you all as we deal with the unrelenting nature of this terrible virus. Here in Saipan, the community is dealing with their first explosive wave, and all the ambiguity, courage, compassion, innovation, and persistence that is involved. Thank you for doing what you do and how you show up. I am thinking of the UMN family as we move into the new year. I'm an optimist, and I think it is going to be a good one.

Become the Global Pediatrics Chief 2023-2024!

The Global Pediatrics Program is recruiting a Chief for the 2023-2024 academic year. This is an exciting opportunity for a pediatrics or medicine/pediatrics global resident graduating in 2023, who is interested in a career in global child health. This is a 12 month, academic year, faculty position.

If you are interested, please email Emily Danich (edanich@umn.edu) by March 1, 2022, with your CV and a brief (one page) personal statement describing why you would like to be a global health chief and what goals/visions you have as a global health chief. We will then set up a time to meet with you.

The global pediatrics chief role is a unique leadership opportunity for a self-motivated resident with strong interest in pursuing a career in global health and academics. As a pediatric global health chief, you will have educational and organizational responsibilities within the global pediatrics track such as planning and implementing curriculum as well as integrating global health topics into the general residency curriculum; and mentoring global pediatric residents. You will have clinical attending responsibilities for approximately 10 weeks out of the year, a portion of this time may be done at Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, though other hospitalist positions may also be a possibility. In addition, you will have protected time to do international or domestic global health work of your choice in your specific area of interest. This role can be quite individualized. We can address your specific questions during your interview, or you can email Emily Danich directly.

Phil Plager and Kendra Martinez are our global chiefs this year as you know. Please reach out to them if you are considering this position, but uncertain. And of course, reach out to Risha Moskalewicz and Cindy Howard as well if you would like.

Katie, her husband, Daniel, and sister-in-law hiking in Idaho
Katie and her husband, Daniel hiking in Kauai

Resident Spotlight

Katie VanDorhoef  - Pediatrics PL2

Katie VanDorhoef is a second year pediatrics resident at the University of Minnesota. She completed her medical training at Creighton University School of Medicine where she participated in Project CURA--a medical student initiative where students serve in multiple international and underserved clinics gaining both cultural and clinical experience. Katie also spent 2 summers in Guatemala which sparked her interest in serving underserved communities. Following that interest, Katie was able to spend a month this fall working with the Indian Health Service (IHS) in Rosebud, South Dakota amongst one of the poorest communities in the US (though only 6 hours from the Twin Cities Metro). Despite initially having limited knowledge pertaining to indigineous populations, Katie now plans to continue working with IHS or other indigineous populations throughout her career! She looks forward to rotating in Alaska with the Southcentral Foundation Nuka System of Care during the upcoming academic year. Katie is married to an internal medicine resident who also shares her career aspirations and the two plan to serve with IHS following completion of their residency training.  

Favorite travel destination: Guatemala. Although there are SO many places I haven't been and want to explore. Next hopeful destination would be New Zealand for all of the beautiful snorkeling and hiking.  

What the world needs more of: Curriculum on different cultures and beliefs, particularly in schools. And open discussions.  

If you weren't a physician you would be: either a librarian or a preschool teacher 

Black hills national forest in South Dakota, approximately three hours from Rosebud.  

Catch up on Past Events

Global Child Health - Thursday, November 11, 2021 "Partnerships in Global Health" Jean-Baptiste Le Pichon, MD, PhD, FAAP

After you've watched the presentation, please fill out our evaluation. 

Grand Rounds - December 1, 2021 "Caring for Children on the US-Mexico Border" Lisa Ayoub-Rodriguez, MD

Global Child Health Literature and Media Highlights

Volunteer Opportunity

In the coming weeks, Minnesota will be receiving more Afghan families arriving from military bases in the U.S. to their new home in Minnesota. We need more volunteers to medically screen children. Residents and faculty are welcome. Please see the information below. If you have any questions, please call Cindy at 651-402-7154.

Volunteer Sign-up through March 2022


We have updated the volunteer sign-up to include February and March. Volunteers can provide their availability on our Afghan Health Volunteer Recruitment Form. There are options for registering as a new volunteer or updating your availability. 


Please share this email, the volunteer z link, or QR code with any potential volunteers you may know as well: z.umn.edu/AfghanHealthcareVolunteerRecruitment

SOCH Scholarship for AAP Advocacy Conference

The AAP Advocacy Conference is going to be held virtually March 20 – 22, 2022. The conference is an opportunity to learn how to be a strong advocate for children’s health. Pediatricians and pediatric trainees from across the country will participate in advocacy skills-building workshops, hear from distinguished guest speakers, learn about policy priorities impacting children (including global health!), and meet with representatives in Congress to urge support for strong child health policies. SOGH is offering scholarships to a number of members to cover the cost of early bird registration ($200 for trainees, $275 for all other AAP members).

What: SOGH scholarship to attend the AAP’s 2022 Advocacy Conference  

When: March 20 – 22, 2022

How to apply: please fill out this (really easy!) application by Tuesday, February 1, 2022.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation, if possible. We use these funds to bring trainees and faculty here from our international and domestic partner sites. The trainees do four to six week electives during the summer to in our hospitals and clinics during non-pandemic times. We are grateful that we have been able to bring faculty here as well to present their research and collaborate with colleagues here in Minneapolis.

Click on Welcome on the left hand side to get to the Pediatric Global Health Home page.