July 2019

Pediatric Global Health Newsletter

Note From Dr. Howard 

July is a wonderful time of the year in Minnesota - warm weather and cool lakes! 

And a time to:

Come to the the July 12th picnic as we kick off what looks to be a great year for the global pediatrics track!

Risha Moskalewicz, MD

Director, Pediatric Global Health Track

Assistant Professor

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Department of Pediatrics

Dr. Moskalewicz has a long-standing interest in Global Health.  She graduated from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and then pediatric residency at the University of California San Francisco as a Global Health Scholar.  She has traveled and worked in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, India, Guatemala, Ethiopia, and the Amazon Basin of Peru.  She completed a fellowship in pediatric emergency medicine at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, where she cared for a large percentage of non-US born families.  She chose to enter the field of pediatric emergency medicine because it both gave her useful skills for caring for children in limited resource international settings, and also allows her to continue to be engaged with patients from all over the world who present to the emergency department for care.  As the Director of Global Health Education she is enthusiastic about continuing to build upon the great program that already exists here at the University of Minnesota, with a particular interest in strengthening local global opportunities for residents and helping to infuse the general residency with key concepts of global health issues that affect children.  She would love to support you all through your residency and can be easily reached by email at risha@umn.edu

Please join us in welcoming our visitors from our partner sites in Uganda and Laos!

Dr. Lucy Amaniyo

Resident, Department of Pediatrics and Child health College of Health Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.

Dr. Lucy Amaniyo is a medical doctor, public health practitioner and entrepreneur with over 4 years’ experience in maternal and child health. With a particular focus on child health, particularly  newborn health and the management of sickle cell disease. Lucy is set to complete a Masters’ Degree in Public health from Makerere University in 2020 as well as her Masters in Pediatrics, equivalent to pediatric residency here in the U.S.

Lucy was a 2017 Mandela Washington Fellow due to her work in extending quality medical services to rural, under-served communities and empowering of young girls to stay in school against all odds. Totally orphaned by 13 years to HIV/AIDS, Lucy hopes to see a world that is free from the scourge that claimed her parents and strives every day to play a role in achieving this. She is driven by a strong desire to help others, promote child health, eliminate child suffering and help children to achieve their full potential in life. 

Dr. Vanida (Da) Bounthavy

Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Ujniversity of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

 Dr. Bounthay graduated as a medical doctor in 2010 from the University of Health Sciences, Vientiae Lao PDR . She joined the Faculty of Medicine there  before specializing in pediatrics.  

Vanida is particularly interested in infectious diseases. 

Dr. Pathana  (Noom) Panyaviseth

Pediatrician at General ward Mahosoth Hospital, Course coordinator and assistant lecturer in the  Faculty of Medicine, University of Health, Lao PDR 

 Dr. Panyaviseth graduated as a medical doctor in 2010 from the University of Health Sciences, Vientiae Lao PDR and then she has been worked at Faculty of Medicine and Mahosoth hospital. She finished her Pediatric Residency in 2017 from Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand and plans to continue her Fellowship training in infectious disease in Thailand .

Dr. Victor Urio

Pediatric resident, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health College of Health Science, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.

Dr. Victor Zablon Urio is Tanzanian. He graduated as a medical doctor from Muhimbili University in 2014.  

He did his internship at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre (ALMC) and Selian Hospital in 2014 to  2015, after which I worked as Medical Officer in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at ALMC under the supervision of Dr Steve Swanson from October 2015 to August 2017.

In 2020, he will compolete his pediatric residency at Makerere University. Victor is particularly interested in medical education.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Pediatric Global Health Track Dinner Meeting

Date & Time: Friday, July 12 — 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.

Location: Dr. Slusher's house

Topic: Welcome Interns & Visitors

Click here to RSVP

Monthly Pediatric Global Health Track Dinner Meeting

Date & Time: Thursday, August 8 — 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.

Location: Wilf Conference Rooms 1 & 2

Topic: Overview of the Track

Click here to RSVP

Monthly Pediatric Global Health Track Dinner Meeting

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 11 — 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.

Location: Dr. Slusher's house

Topic: Immigrant Cultures in Minnesota

Click here to RSVP

Click here to view our events for the year.

Hayley Sharma-A rising star in Global Pediatrics

Ms. Hayley Sharma has finished her second year of medical school at the University of Minnesota. In April of this year, she presented a poster on “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Refugee Minors: A Literature Review” at both the Global Health Day Conference and the Pediatric Research, Education and Scholarship Symposium (PRESS).  She received a 3rd Place Award for Best Undergraduate/Graduate/Medical Student Poster at the PRESS event. Drs. Cindy Howard and Chuck Oberg provided guidance in mentorship for this project.

However, this is just a glimpse of her dedication to global pediatrics. Over the past few years she has volunteered with Floating Doctors in Panama, Orphan’s Heart in the Dominican Republic, and Hospitals of Hope in Bolivia. In addition, over the past year during her medical school studies she has served as both the Interpreter Coordinator and a Medical Clinician with the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic exemplifying that global is indeed local.

Ms. Sharma is continuing her research in PTSD and plans to submit her work to the International Society of Social Pediatrics and Child Health (ISSOP) hopefully planning to present at their 2019 Congress in Beirut, Lebanon this Fall. 

Congratulations to Ms. Hayley Sharma from the Division of Global Pediatrics.

Grand Rounds:

While they Were Away: Resident Global Health Projects 

Our Pediatric Global Health Track residents presented at Ground Rounds on Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Amr El-Bokl, MD

Sharmila Raghunandan, DO

CJ Koozer, DO

Alice Lehman, MD

Chief's Corner

Note from Dr. Andrew Wu

Hello! Hola! 你好! សួស្តី!

Someone once told me that the role of a chief resident is to be an advocate for residents. With that same spirit, I'm very excited to be your Global Peds chief this upcoming year. For me, one of the big draws to the University of Minnesota was the strong globalist mindset of the Pediatrics department as well as the diverse partnerships available for resident experiences locally and internationally. This year, my specific goals include but are not limited to the following:

1. Facilitate easy use of the Global Peds Passport tool for residents

2. Have more face time with the GH residents in a coaching role

3. Implement more GH-relevant didactics built into and outside of clinical blocks

4. Actively advocate on behalf of residents for their goals in GH

In regards to #2, I will be reaching out to you individually to schedule a chat about your GH goals over a non-alcoholic beverage somewhere in the twin cities. Just bring your thoughts, questions, hopes, ruminations. Also, we'll get the tab :) 

If anyone has ideas for me to either try to implement this year or to pass on to the next year, please email me (see signature below). Feedback ftw.

Thank you. Gracias. 谢谢. អរគុណ

Andrew Wu, MD, MPH, CTropMed®



In July 2019 we will be rolling out the use of GCHOP (Global Child Health Objectives Project) to help you meet your Pediatric Global Health Passport requirements. It's an educational resource with Global Health learning objectives to be paired with your residency rotations. Look for emails from Dr. Andrew Wu with instructions. To count it as a passport requirement we expect you spend enough time on this to know it well, but no more than 4-6 hours total over the entire month. 

Click on Welcome on the left hand side to get to the Pediatric Global Health Home page.