
Emergency Room (Urgence)

Location: St. Damien's Hospital for Children, Port au Prince, Haiti

Please note that the U.S. Department of State's current travel advisory for Haiti is at a level 3. If you wish to select this for your elective, you must give us a backup option.

UMN Faculty global partner lead contact: Dr. Jessica Hane

Type of elective: Clinical


Pre-readings and videos:

CDC for Haiti

Haiti Elective and Background Information

Estimated Costs for Haiti

Click here to view past academic projects for Haiti

Background Information:

Type of Experience: Hospital

Is a Temporary Medical License Required? No

Can a VISA be acquired upon arrival? No visa needed

Primary Language Spoken: Haitian Creole, French in medical setting

Are language skills required in the primary spoken language: No. English interpreters are available, but visitors are expected to pay for interpreter. ($15/day)

Housing: Located in hotel compound near the hospital. Cost is $30/night. Transport between the compound and the hospital is provided. 

Dress code: Scrubs or professional attire in the hospital. 

Travel Medicines: See CDC for Haiti for up to date information, take all prescription medicines in the prescription bottle

Required Vaccines: See CDC for Haiti for up to date information, consider rabies vaccine

Brief Background/History: 

St. Damien Children’s Hospital was founded in the early 1990’s as a hospice facility in response to the AIDS crisis. It quickly expanded to become a full service medical facility. In 2006, it moved to a modern facility in Tabarre (on the outskirts of Port-Au-Prince). It is the only free-standing children’s hospital in the country and was one of the only hospitals in Port-Au-Prince to survive and remain functional during Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake. 

Out of the partnerships formed during the earthquake response, the St. Damien Collaborative was developed. The collaborative is 15 academic medical centers who all work together in partnership with St. Damien with a goal of providing support as St. Damien continues to develop into a first-class pediatric academic medical center. This partnership includes academic support including bi-driectional exchange for St. Damien’s pediatric residency program, on-site training, quality improvement projects, research support, nursing support, and fundraising. 

St. Damien Hospital Exterior

Hospital Courtyard

Villa Francesca (Hotel)

Reception/Common Area

Villa Francesca Courtyard

Example of bedroom at Villa Francesca