Global Pediatrics Track

The University of Minnesota pediatric residency program offers one of the most unique and diversified pediatric global health education programs in the country. Home to one of the nation’s first Global Pediatrics tracks, global health education is considered a priority for all UMN pediatric residents. Core instruction in global child health is incorporated into the general curriculum, and electives at our world-renowned adoption clinic and Minnesota Department of Health is open to all residents. Residents with special interest in global health may opt into the global health track, and thereby have further opportunities for clinical electives at international partner sites and Native American child health in South Dakota and Minnesota. With the state of Minnesota as home to more refugees per capita than any other state, and having a sizable immigrant population, global health track residents can also explore domestic global health issues through a Local Global elective. Finally, track residents who complete the University of Minnesota Global Health Course will become eligible for certification in tropical medicine by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, an invaluable opportunity afforded by few residency programs. We are pioneers in innovative modes of global health education, including creation and publication of competency-based global health curriculum with our partners at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda and collaboration with institutional partners in the Midwest Consortium of Global Child Health Educators to create and publish several training programs now being used throughout the world including SUGAR (Simulation Use for Global Away Rotations) and PEARLS (Procedural Education for Adaptation to Resource Limited Settings) - Pediatric residents from international partner institutions in Uganda, Haiti and Laos do clinical electives in pediatrics at UMN through bi-directional exchange of residents and faculty.