Face - LO 8

8. What is facial nerve (Bell’s) palsy? How might one distinguish between Bell’s palsy and a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)?

Facial n. (Bell’s) palsy is the ipsilateral paralysis of facial mm. due to a neuropathy of the facial n.

Many of the upper motor neurons of the temporofacial division originate bilaterally in the cerebral cortex, whereas the upper motor neurons for the cervicofacial division are sourced in the contralateral cerebral cortex. A cerebrovascular accident (CVA, or a stroke) may typically present with contralateral facial muscle paralysis of the lower face, whereas facial n. (Bell’s) palsy typically presents with total ipsilateral facial muscle paralysis. Thus, an individual suffering a CVA may be able to elevate the skin of their brow (wrinkle the forehead), whereas an individual with a facial n. palsy cannot elevate the skin of their brow.