Face - LO 2

2. Describe the distribution (and relative depths) of facial fasciae.

The skin of the face rests upon a layer of fibro-adipose tissue of various depths. The fibro-adipose tissue is rich with dense connective tissues, thus allowing the facial muscles to move and shape the skin of the face. Deep to the fibro-adipose layer is the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS), a fascial layer that either invests or covers the muscles of facial expression to a variable extent.

The SMAS (and associated layers) extends from the platysma mm. of the cervical region to the epicranial aponeurosis of the cranium (anteriorly). Above the zygomatic arch, co-planar to the SMAS is the temporoparietal fascia. Temporoparietal fascia covers the temporal region superficial to the temporal fascia (deep, investing fascia of the temporalis m.). Deep to the SMAS is the parotid-masseteric fascia. Parotid-masseteric fascia covers the the parotid gland and masseter, covering the parotid duct, and branches of both the facial n. and mandibular n. (V3). Branches of the facial n. (CN VII) are predominantly found deep to the temporoparietal & parotid-masseteric fasciae.

Succinctly, the layers of tissue of the face (superficial to deep) include the: