Orbit and Cavernous Sinus - LO 6

6. What are the extra-ocular muscles of the eye and their attachments? What are the actions of these muscles? What nerves innervate these muscles?

M1 Extra-ocular Eye Movements '21

Extra-ocular muscles separated by eye movements

D1 S10 Extra-ocular muscles (separated by eye movements)

The distal tendon of the superior oblique m. runs through the trochlea, a fibrocartilaginous loop (pulley) that attaches to the trochlear fossa of the frontal bone, before inserting on the posterosuperior sclera of the eye.

The common anular tendon (common tendinous ring) is the origin site for the rectus muscles. The ring encircles the optic n. (CN II), oculomotor n. (CN III), and abducens n. (CN VI).