Parotid Gland and Submandibular Triangle - LO 3

3. What structures are within and/or deep to the parotid gland?

Three neurovascular structures typically travel through the parotid gland (anterior to the external acoustic meatus). From superficial to deep, they are the:

The facial n. exits the stylomastoid foramen, then divides into two divisions, the: 

The superficial temporal v. typically unites with the maxillary v. to form the retromandibular v. It may divide into anterior and posterior divisions. The anterior division of the retromandibular v. typically unites with the facial v. before joining the internal jugular v. (IJV). The posterior division of the retromandibular v. typically unites with the posterior auricular v. to form the external jugular v.

The external carotid a. is a branch of the common carotid a., and is the primary source of blood to the face and superficial head. The external carotid a. has eight branches:

These branches may be remembered by the mnemonic: Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students.