Akomanga Rima (Hub 5)

Dear Family and Whānau,

A warm welcome back to you all and a special welcome to our families who are new to Stonefields School. We are also delighted to welcome our new teachers to the Year 3 - 4 teaching team. We are excited to form our new teams and hit the ground running with authentic and fun learning for our tamariki.

Concept Learning

This term we are exploring the concept of ‘identity and belonging’ as we get to know our learners and their whanau. Through quality collaboration and deep thinking we have planned to delve into the learners passions, interests and strengths by relating themselves to a variety of different fictional characters.

Building Basics

Building basic knowledge is a real focus for us this year. We hope to reinforce this knowledge through explicit teaching, regular learning opportunities as well as the use of digital tools and resources.

In order to reinforce this learning we hope that children not only engage in activities at school but at home too. We encourage you to support your child's learning at home by visiting the following sites:

We will be setting learner accounts up in week 2 and will share those details with you as soon as possible.

Reading Books

Readers will come home in the next two weeks. All books are to be returned each week. Please ensure your child brings their book bag to school each day as readers will not go home unless they are in a book bag. Book bags are available for purchase at the school office.

Brainfood Snack

Some of you may be familiar with our Brainfood snack and how it helps our learners to remain focused during learning time. We will have a brainfood snack, which learners will eat around 10am every day. Though this is optional we encourage learners to have this quick snack as we believe it can help learners to feel more energised, with concentration and improved memory, something the Health organisation refer to ‘smart snacking’.

So this doesn’t compromise learning time and become a break we are asking for learners to bring in a vegetable or piece of fruit which is preferably sliced or peeled, wrapped separately or in it’s own named container.

As we are a rubbish free school. Could food wrappers please be kept at home, or snacks be brought in a named container. We promote and encourage healthy eating and ask that lollies and similar treats are left at home. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Year 3 - 4 Activity Week

In Week 4 Year 3 - 4 learners will take part in a number of fun activities designed to build confidence, resilience and develop friendships.

During the week we have an amazing opportunity to visit Peter Snell Youth Village. The Year 4 learners we will be staying overnight and our Year 3 learners will visit and take part in activities for the day. We are really excited to be attending this year not only because of the camps beautiful location but also because it offers a wide range of activities, from the easy-going orienteering to the more adventurous archery, air rifles and initiative course.

  • Hub 5 Year 4 Overnight Camp Tuesday 25th - Wednesday 26th February
  • Hub 5 Year 3 Day Visit Tuesday 25th February
  • Hub 6 Year 3 Day Visit Tuesday 25th February
  • Hub 6 Year 4 Overnight Camp Wednesday 26th - Thursday 27th February
  • Hub 7 Year 4 Overnight Camp Wednesday 26th - Thursday 27th February
  • Hub 7 Year 3 Day Visit Wednesday 26th February

To our Year 4 parents, if you are yet to, please visit Year 4 Camp Permission form and complete by Friday 14th February.

Year 3 School Sleepover

On Thursday 27th February, we will be hosting the Year 3 Sleepover. This will take place at school but information will be shared closer to the time.

Please note more information regarding camp and activity week will be shared later next week.

For more information about PE and sports at Stonefields please visit the Sports website

General Housekeeping

Hats and Shoes

A reminder that hats are compulsory and need to be brought to school by all learners everyday in Terms 1 and 4. Much of our learning time takes place outside, as well as all of morning tea and lunch, so it is very important that learners bring their hats every day. We encourage parents to label or distinguish hats carefully and clearly, to avoid any hats being lost. We are also encouraging shoes to be labelled or have something unique on them as we have many learners take off and misplace their shoes during the day.


Please make sure your child is at school before 8.55am (when the bell goes) to ensure they are ready for the start of their school day. It is preferable that they arrive at 8.45am to sort out their things and then get ready for learning. If you would like to speak to a teacher regarding your child’s learning, please email to arrange a time to meet. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

School Supervision

Our learning day starts at 8.55am, our hub doors open at 8.30am. When learners arrive in the morning we encourage them to organise themselves to be ready for learning. This involves hanging up their bags and bringing in their book bags. If learners arrive before 8.30am they can be booked into Kelly Club. Kelly Club provides both before and after school care. Please contact Celia Mackinven stonefields@kellyclub.co.nz should you require before and after school care.


If your child is sick, for example; contagious coughing, coloured mucus from nose, high temperatures, has been vomiting or had diarrhoea, please keep them home so other children in the hub and teachers do not get sick. We prefer that the children stay at home for 48 hours after their sickness so the bugs can not be passed on.

Volunteers Wanted

Any spare time you have, no matter how little would be greatly appreciated. We would love help with a number of tasks including - Putting reading books away, listening to learners read, photocopying, laminating, pencil-sharpening etc. If you are able to come in before or during, Monday - Friday that would be great. It does not have to be every week, every little bit helps. Please talk to a hub teacher if you are able to help.

We look forward to getting to know your child and connecting with you over the coming weeks. If you have any questions or you wish to talk please feel welcome to contact us to arrange a time to meet. We have professional development meetings on Thursday mornings so teachers will be unavailable at this time. These meetings usually run until 8.45am.

We look forward to building relationships and rich and exciting teaching and learning experiences in the year ahead.

Should you wish to contact us our collective email address are as follows:


Nga mihi,

Akomanga Rima Teaching Team