
For non-NC State students who want to take our course, you will have to pay us the tuition and fees.

If you are interested in it, please contact

Dr. Linda Krute, Director

Distance Engineering Education Programs

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC 27695

Phone: 919.515.5440

Fax: 919.513.4623

Email: ldkrute@ncsu.edu

The course is project-based so auditing is NOT an option.

Most of the home work assignments and the project reports will be delivered as a recorded slide show.

· Create Voice Over Power point: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c and convert to MP4 https://nursing.vanderbilt.edu/knowledge-base/knowledgebase/how-to-save-voppt-to-mp4/

Tips for recording:

1. Use as quiet an area as possible.

2. Avoid areas that have echo:

a. Rooms should be fairly small;

b. Sound dampening with carpeting, curtains, furniture.

3. Hardline internet connections are highly recommended, but if unavailable, a strong Wi-Fi connection should do the job.

4. A good headset with a microphone set close to your mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”. Try to avoid using default, built-in microphones on your computer, if possible.

5. Do a test recording of a couple of minutes and review the sound and picture quality, in the MP4 format, and check the bit rate before recording your entire presentation. Make adjustments as needed.

Past Courses:

    1. 2020 ECE753

      1. synchronous zoom meeting with

  1. 2020 Course Recording

    1. All 2020 lectures are recorded and posted here

    2. All marked lecture notes can be accessed here.

    3. Online students: inclassquiz

    4. All Quizes after spring break is posted here.

    5. Best homework solutions are posted here

    6. data folder

  1. 2019 course recording

    1. All 2019 lectures are recorded and posted here.

    2. All 2019 marked lecture notes can be accessed here

  1. Course Note

  2. Homework folder

  3. Course folder

Optimization Methods:

  1. Linear Programing - Simplex method

    1. Linear Programing - Interior point method

  2. Non-linear Programming: Steepest descent

    1. Non-linear Programming: Dynamic Programming

  1. Non-linear Programming: Lambta iteration

  2. Iterative method for solving a equation

    1. bi-section method

    2. Interpolation

    3. fix-step

Useful Resources:

    1. Formulate your algorithm using correct mathematical representations

    1. ISO

  1. Gradient Descent

  2. Gradient Descent intuitive

  3. Gradient Descent for linear regression

  4. 10 Machine Learning based Products You MUST See

OPENDSS Training Materials

  1. Matlab codes

  2. Other Examples

  3. Training Materials

Dynamic State Estimation

    1. Kalman filter

Generative Adversarial Network

  1. Dr Hung-yi Lee 李宏毅 (National Taiwan University), GAN Lecture 01; 02; 03; 04; 05

  2. Examples

  3. Variational AutoEncoder

Modeling System Dynamics

Additional Topics to be added in future lectures

    1. Develop a Cost-effective and Resilient Microgrids Powered by PV and Energy Storage Systems

    2. Machine-learning in Power System Load Forecasting, Modeling, and Control

    3. Smart Meter Data Analysis for Characterizing Power System Loads and Analyzing Utility Revenue Shifts