
To schedule a prelim exam or PhD defense, you need to submit a plan of work on the system so that the plan can be reviewed by the graduate school and approved by the committee. You cannot simply schedule a date for the prelim or defense by yourself without completing the process.  The graduate school must be informed before the exam happens. Otherwise, the exam might be considered as an invalid one.  

So for all students who plan to schedule a prelim/phd defense, you will need to do the following

1) please do check it out with previous phd students

2) make sure you meet the submission deadlines

3) hit the button to submit the information before the deadline

4) Inform me that the paperwork is all set a week before the exam

The grad school is relaxing its preference that PhD exams be held in person and will permit telcon defenses to be held.  

This will still require submission of the remote defense form:

For PHD the link is: https://grad.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/sched-mas-oral-remote-exam.pdf.  

For Master the link is: https://grad.ncsu.edu/faculty-and-staff/forms/graduate-school-forms/

Please check all guidelines at the Power Electronics and Power System Website.