January 31, 2018
Post date: Jan 31, 2018 7:34:39 PM
High School Guidance News
by Chrissy Kafkalas (kafkalac@jenkintown.org)
Keep up with the High School Guidance Department on Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jtownguidance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jtownguidance/
Guidance Website: https://sites.google.com/a/jtowndrakes.org/jenkintown-hs-guidance/
Guidance Calendar of Events: https://sites.google.com/a/jtowndrakes.org/jenkintown-hs-guidance/guidance-calendar-of-events
11 College Admissions Tips for Students and Parents: http://www.linkforcounselors.com/11-college-admission-tips-students/
5 Mistakes Students Make When Picking a College: http://www.linkforcounselors.com/5-mistakes-students-make-picking-college/
Hiring Outlook Good for Graduates in 2018: http://www.linkforcounselors.com/hiring-outlook-good-graduates-2018/
SENIORS: CLASS OF 2018 (12th Grade) Parents and students:
1) AP Exam Registration Forms are now available. The deadline to sign-up for an AP Exam is Wednesday, February 28, 2018. To download a form, please click HERE.
2) Midyear Grade Reports will be sent in Mid-February. Updated Transcripts and MP2 Report cards will be sent to all Common Application Schools and to schools whom students are still awaiting an admissions decision.
3) Students should be updating their Family Connection Account in the COLLEGES Tab with their admissions decisions.
4) Scholarships are being entered weekly into Family Connection, make sure that you are logging in weekly to see if you qualify. Log in today!
NEW - NursingSchoolsAlmanac.com has just launched its fourth annual Aspiring Nurse Scholarship. Our website will award a $1,000 scholarship to a future nurse in the high school graduating class of 2018. This scholarship competition is open to all high school seniors who plan to pursue college education in nursing, including LPN / LVN, ADN, and BSN programs. Scholarship applications will be accepted until midnight on August 31, 2018. Interested students may visit https://www.nursingschoolsalmanac.com and click the banner on the right-hand side of the website's homepage. Here they'll find detailed scholarship information and the official application form.
NEW - The Anna M. Vincent Scholarship Trust Scholarship: Deadline is March 1, 2018. Visit www.annavincent.org for the application and application guidelines. HISTORY: To all Anna M. Vincent Scholarship aspirants, a few words about the lady whose benefaction has made these scholarships possible. Anna M. Vincent was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1884 and died in Philadelphia in 1967. The Anna M Vincent scholarships were inspired by Mrs. Vincent's own living experience, which should serve as an inspiration to the young men and women who aspire to and receive the scholarship awards. If Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford were prototypes of the self-made American man, Anna M. Vincent (whom we shall refer to as "Anne," which was her preference) was truly the self-made American woman. Living most of her life alone in widowhood, she worked hard, observed thrift, studied constantly, invested her money wisely and amassed a small fortune valued at her death at nearly two million dollars. With about one and one-half million dollars, she established a scholarship trust fund for young people. BNY Mellon, National Association and Robert I. Whitelaw are the Trustees for the Anna M. Vincent Scholarship Trust established in 1967. GUIDELINES: Under the terms of the Deed of Trust, the Trustees will make awards to students worthy of financial assistance; of high scholastic standing and good character; and residents of Philadelphia or the surrounding five county Philadelphia area: i.e., Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery Counties in Pennsylvania and Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester Counties in New Jersey. Grant awards range from $1,000 to $5,000 and are renewable for up to five years, provided an acceptable renewal application is submitted online. Anna M. Vincent was a believer in the value of working while pursuing education. Students who have not held a paying job while in school may not be considered for funding.
NEW - The 2018 Samuel A. Green Scholarship Program Is Now Accepting Applications! Firstrust’s scholarship fund was named in loving memory of our founder, Samuel A. Green, who was a staunch believer in encouraging young people to pursue their education and fulfill their life dreams. In the spirit of his legacy, Firstrust is inspired to carry on our strong commitment toward helping students. WHAT IS THE ESSAY SUBJECT? Students are asked to compose an essay no longer than 300 words explaining how a college education will help them cultivate prosperity in their neighborhood/community. WHAT ARE THE AWARDS? To commemorate more than 80 years of unparalleled service and dedication to our customers and the community, we will award up to $50,000 in academic scholarships as follows: 1st prize – $10,000, 2nd prize – $5,000, 3rd prize – $5,000, 4th prize – $1,000 (30 scholarship recipients).
NEW - VALLEY FORGE CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS - Engineering Scholarship is now available and is due February 15, 2018. This is a reminder of two scholarships available for high school seniors. Drexel University's College of Engineering is offering a $25,000 scholarship and Temple University is offering a $8,000 scholarship. Please submit the application to this email account vfc.pspe@gmail.com.
NEW - The R.O.S.E. Scholar Scholarship (Recognizing Opportunities for Service and Education) is awarded annually to an African American high school senior residing in Bucks and Montgomery Counties in PA, who have maintained a 3.2 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, and who exemplifies exceptional community service involvement. DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 3, 2018.
NEW - The Dr. Betty James Robinson Youth Scholarship is awarded annually to an African American high school senior residing in Bucks or Montgomery Counties PA with a minimum 2.7 grade point average on a 4.0 scale who are experiencing financial difficulty. DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 3, 2018.
NEW - The HBCU (Historically Black College or University) Youth Scholarship will be awarded annually to an African American high school senior residing in Bucks or Montgomery County with a minimum 2.7 grade point average on a 4.0 scale who is planning to enroll full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at an accredited Historically Black College or University in the fall directly after graduation from high school who is in financial need. DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 3, 2018
NEW - THE EMRE UMAR AND CORRECTIONAL MEDICAL CARE FUTURE HEALTH LEADERS OF AMERICA - Correctional Medical Care, Inc., based in Blue Bell, PA, has started a merit-based scholarship fund targeted at students in the South East PA region. They will announce five one-time $1,000 tuition awards to students seeking a career in health care. Essay (max. 600 words) explaining which medical career you will pursue and why. DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 15, 2018.
JUNIORS: CLASS OF 2019 (11th Grade) Parents and students:
1) Registration for the MOCK ACT is NOW OPEN. The Mock ACT will be on Thursday, March 1, 2018 from 12noon to 4pm. This is a an opportunity to take a practice ACT for FREE - but you must register to take the test....walk-ins will not be allowed. Students must bring their Chromebooks. Click HERE to read the flyer. To register - you can call Mark Guenther at (301) 363-9023, or register by email: mark.guenther@revolutionprep.org or register online at https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/practice-exams/school/83625/ - Deadline to register is February 15, 2018. Open to all 10th and 11th Grade students.
2) AP Exam Registration Forms are now available. The deadline to sign-up for an AP Exam is Wednesday, February 28, 2018. To download a form, please click HERE.
3) Guidance is still scheduling Junior IGP Meetings. Annual meetings are held with individual students and parents to review and plan for individual progress. Since course selection is right around the corner (February 2017), this is a perfect time to meet with your child’s counselor. The IGP meetings are conducted with both the parents and the student and are done during the school day. Meetings start as early as 7:30am and the last meeting of the day is 2:45pm. To schedule a conference with Ms. Kafkalas, you should call the Guidance Department at 215-884-1801. You may also email Chrissy at kafkalac@jenkintown.org. Conferences will be scheduled in 45-minute intervals. I look forward to working together with you on behalf of your child. **Please note that 7:30am meetings are very limited.
4) The Junior Guidance Workshops have begun. Click HERE to see exactly what was covered in each of the completed workshops.
Please note: All Guidance Workshops happen during the school day in the guidance suite and are for students only.
1st Workshop - COMPLETED (December 2017): Intro to Junior Guidance Workshop Series and Intro to College Admissions, Review of Family Connection
2nd Workshop - COMPLETED (December 2017): Intro to College Testing - SAT/ACT, PSAT Overview
3rd Workshop (February 15, 2018): Career Interest Inventory, Exploring Careers and College Majors
4th Workshop (Week of March 12): Resume Workshop
5th Workshop (TBD): The College Essay
6th Workshop (TBD): Review the Junior/Senior Checklist/Paperwork, NCAA and the Common Application
5) Make sure to look through the available summer programs and plan ahead for completing some Community Service Hours for the Jtown Graduation Project.
6) Don't forget----->Every student who took the PSAT/NMSQT in October 2017 has access to a free, personalized SAT practice plan based on their PSAT/NMSQT results. All they need to do is to create and connect their Khan Academy and College Board accounts. Need help getting started? Watch this short video for step by step instructions on linking your College Board and Khan Academy accounts. Then head to Official SAT Practice to get ready for the test.
SOPHOMORES: CLASS OF 2019 (10th Grade) Parents and students :
1) Registration for the MOCK ACT is NOW OPEN. The Mock ACT will be on Thursday, March 1, 2018 from 12noon to 4pm. This is a an opportunity to take a practice ACT for FREE - but you must register to take the test....walk-ins will not be allowed. Students must bring their Chromebooks. Click HERE to read the flyer. To register - you can call Mark Guenther at (301) 363-9023, or register by email: mark.guenther@revolutionprep.org or register online at https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/practice-exams/school/83625/ - Deadline to register is February 15, 2018. Open to all 10th and 11th Grade students.
2) Guidance is NOW scheduling Sophomore IGP Meetings. Annual meetings are held with individual students and parents to review and plan for individual progress. Since course selection is right around the corner (February 2017), this is a perfect time to meet with your child’s counselor. The IGP meetings are conducted with both the parents and the student and are done during the school day. Meetings start as early as 7:30am and the last meeting of the day is 2:45pm. To schedule a conference with Ms. Kafkalas, you should call the Guidance Department at 215-884-1801. You may also email Chrissy at kafkalac@jenkintown.org. Conferences will be scheduled in 45-minute intervals. I look forward to working together with you on behalf of your child. **Please note that 7:30am meetings are very limited.
3) The Sophomore Guidance Workshops will begin in February.
Please note: All Guidance Workshops happen during the school day in the guidance suite and are for students only.
1st Workshop - (February 1, 2018): Review PSAT Results, Intro to College Board, College Admissions and College Admissions Testing
2nd Workshop (March 2018): Cluster Finder Career Assessment
4) Make sure to look through the available summer programs and plan ahead for completing some Community Service Hours for the Jtown Graduation Project.
5) Don't forget----->Every student who took the PSAT/NMSQT in October 2017 has access to a free, personalized SAT practice plan based on their PSAT/NMSQT results. All they need to do is to create and connect their Khan Academy and College Board accounts. Need help getting started? Watch this short video for step by step instructions on linking your College Board and Khan Academy accounts. Then head to Official SAT Practice to get ready for the test.
FRESHMAN: CLASS OF 2020 (9th Grade) Parents and students:
1) The Freshman Guidance Workshops have begun. To learn more about what the students are learning in each workshop, visit the Grade Level Guidance News Page.
Please note: All Guidance Workshops happen during the school day in the guidance suite and are for students only.
1st Workshop - (February 2018): Review Family Connection and 9th Grade Survey
2nd Workshop (March 2018): High School 101/Resume/School Activities
3rd Workshop (March 2018): Learning Style Quiz
4th Workshop (March/April 2018): Exploring Careers - Reviewing Career Scope Results
2) Make sure to look through the available summer programs and plan ahead for completing some Community Service Hours for the Jtown Graduation Project.
Community Resources and Events:
1) MANUFEST - Youth Manufacturing EXPO - March 10, 2018, 8:30am to 12:30pm - William Tennent High School - This is a great event for all and an excellent opportunity to network and build connections for college and career readiness activities related to Manufacturing. Learn about career pathways in manufacturing including design, sales, marketing, engineering, customer service, accounting and more. Make connections with possible internships and hands on experiences. Registration is FREE but it is required to attend this event - Please register HERE (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/manufest-2018-tickets-42096757535?aff=es2)
2) ASPENX: April 6 & 7 - I’m excited to share with you a great opportunity for your students, coming up this spring on April 6 & 7. The Aspen Institute is bringing the AspenX program to Philadelphia, and is currently accepting registrations for high school participants from all over the city. AspenX is an opportunity for high school students to take a deep dive into important topics through virtual and experiential learning, and moderated in-person dialogue. This year, AspenX seminars are focusing on race and equity, and weaving in the amazing work of a new program at the Institute, The Bridge, by utilizing submissions to Michele Norris’ The Race Card Project. To get a better sense of what the program looks like, watch this two minute video or read a recap of Fall 2017 seminars in New Orleans and Oakland.
The Aspen Institute creates opportunities for civil discourse and dialogue across difference, and this program wants to make sure that youth in cities like Philadelphia have a chance to learn and practice those skills before they become adults. The students who participate will challenge their assumptions and discuss race and equity through the lenses of immigration, gentrification & displacement; police-citizen relations; and how shifting demographics are shaping America. Students will have a chance to have their voices heard by others they normally wouldn’t interact with.
The program will include visits to the Philadelphia History Museum and National Constitution Center on the afternoon of Friday, April 6, as well as a group dinner. Students will meet at the Museum of the American Revolution for a moderated seminar conversation on Saturday, April 7. The conversation will be led by Michelle Molitor from the Fellowship for Race & Equity in Education, and will end with a design-thinking workshop where students create solutions they can bring back to their school and home communities to fight inequity.
The AspenX program is free of charge. Dinner will be provided on Friday and breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday. Transportation assistance is also available. They want to make sure that as many high schools and organizations are represented as possible, register at http://as.pn/AspenXPhilly2018 by Friday, March 9.
3) Camp Erin - A Weekend Camp for Grieving Children and Teens: June 8-10, 2018 is now accepting applications. Camp Erin is a weekend overnight camp for children who have experienced the loss of a significant person in their life. The Camp provides a safe, fun, and emotionally supportive environment for Children to explore their grief and build healthy coping strategies. The Camp is open to children ages 6-17 who have experienced the death of someone important in their lives. Camp Erin is offered FREE OF CHARGE to all campers and is held in Montgomery County, PA. Applications are accepted until available spaces are filled. It is suggested that families apply by March 1, 2018. Please visit https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/find-a-program-or-service/home-care-and-hospice/bereavement-services/camp-erin to register.
4) February 15, 2018, 6:30pm to 8:30pm - Philadelphia College Night in Spanish/ Noche Universitaria de Filadelfia en español: REGISTER HERE. Click HERE to read the flyer. Gracias por su interés en asistir al programa de la "Noche Universitaria de Filadelfia en español". El programa incluirá un panel donde representantes hablarán sobre el proceso de admisión a la universidad y el proceso de ayuda financiera. El programa concluirá con la oportunidad de platicar con los representantes de las universidades. Por favor complete la página siguiente para registrarse al evento. Usted recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con instrucciones para esa noche. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor envíe un correo electrónico en Inglés o Español a espanol@swarthmore.edu o llame a Chris Capron al 610-328-8005. Chris habla Inglés y Español. REGISTER HERE. Click HERE to read the flyer.
Dónde: Olney Charter High School
Dirección: 100 E. Duncannon Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Fecha: Jueves 15, de febrero 2018
Hora: Registración a partir de las 6:30 pm; el programa empezará a las 7:00 pm y termina a las 8:30 pm
Cómo registrarse: Visite https://apply.swarthmore.edu/register/NocheUniversitariaDeFiladelfia18 para registrarse en el programa. Es muy recomendable registrarse, y puede llenar la página de registro en español ó Inglés. También puede llamar a Chris Capron - quien habla español é Inglés - al 610-328-8005 para registrarse por teléfono ó enviar por correo electrónico a espanol@swarthmore.edu si tiene cualquier duda. Las siguientes universidades estarán disponibles para reunirse con los padres:
Arcadia University (Glenside, PA)
Bryn Athyn College (Bryn Athyn, PA)
Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA)
Cabrini University (Radnor, PA)
Community College of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
Delaware Valley University (Doylestown, PA)
Eastern University (Wayne, PA)
La Salle University (Philadelphia, PA)
Manor College (Jenkintown, PA)
Rosemont College (Bryn Mawr, PA)
Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA)
The University of the Arts (Philadelphia, PA)
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
Villanova University (Villanova, PA)
5) Tech It Out Program. Tech It Out is a program that teaches basic front-end-coding techniques to Philadelphia high school students, while also encouraging said students to engage in dialogues about social issues. Every year we host about 20 students that build websites on these issues. The program is run out of the University of Pennsylvania by current college students and is completely free to any student that participates. Visit the website: techitoutphilly.com and see what our past students have done and learn a little more about the program.
Registration can be found on the home page and our expected start day currently is January 28th. Also please let any student who it may concern that we will provide
septa tokens to any whose transportation to Upenn is a limiting factor. You may contact Jacob Bass, Director, with questions: jake@techitoutphilly.com
6) Parents and Former Grads: Help us gather Dual Enrollment data. Guidance would like to know if your child was able to transfer their MCCC Dual Enrollment Credits to the college they are attending. Please fill out the Dual Enrollment Participation Survey for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Graduates: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AVUak2o0FbP31CYg6i5fpHizhAgESYdmRF-JNA6toDc/viewform. To view our current MCCC Dual Enrollment College Credit Transfer Statistics, please click HERE.
7) Sunday, March 8, 2018: Eastern Center for Arts and Technology Open House from 1-3:30pm, click HERE for more information.
Interested 10th and 11th Graders --------> Eastern Center for Arts and Technology has a few open houses coming up this Spring 2018:
Friday, March 16, 2018 - 9 to 10am - Construction Career Cluster (Construction Technology, Electrical Technology, and HVAC)
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 9 to 10am - Health Sciences Career Cluster (Allied Health and Veterinary Science)
Friday, April 6, 2018 - 9 to 10am - Transportation & Manufacturing Career Cluster (Automotive Tech, Collision Repair Tech, and Welding)
Friday, April 13, 2018 - 9 to 10am - Arts, Human Services and Hospitality Career Cluster (Commercial Art, Cosmetology, and Culinary Arts)
Friday, April 27, 2018 - 9 to 10am - Business, Computer & Public Safety Career Cluster (Business and Technology Professional, Protective Services, and Computer Network Administration)
8) The Philadelphia Section of the Society of Women Engineers and Widener University are co-sponsoring a one-day Engineering Mini-Camp for girls in grades 9 – 12. The camp, to be held Saturday, February 3, 2018, on Widener University's Chester campus, will bring girls who have an interest and/or ability in science/math/technology together with practicing women engineers and female engineering students. The camp is designed as a series of “hands-on” laboratory activities that will highlight some of the technology areas in which engineers work. Funded by corporate donations, the camp is offered free of cost. Enrollment is limited to a maximum of 200 girls, on a first-come basis. An additional feature of this camp is an optional program for parents entitled “Sending Your Daughter to Engineering School.” The program will include information on university admissions policies, financial aid, and student life, as well as on what parents should expect if their daughter majors in engineering in college. Please make it clear to your female students that they can come for the girls’ camp without their parents coming for the Parents’ Program. To register for the program or for more information, please visit: http://www.widener.edu/academics/schools/engineering/outreachprograms/hsgirlsminicamp.aspx
9) Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking (PACT) at Princeton University: https://algorithmicthinking.org/ Click HERE for the program overview. Picture a room full of students hard at work on math problems. Some draw graphs on the chalkboard, testing out algorithms. Others shuffle complicated algebraic expressions, trying to simplify a summation. Still, others stare intently at a piece of paper, trying to find the one necessary final lemma to complete a proof or to understand a recent result. The students are all working hard, but they are also having fun, as the air is ripe with the excitement of discovery. These are not college students, though they are studying at a college campus, and learning material that is not normally taught until the undergraduate or even the graduate level. Rather, these are mostly high school students, spending the summer learning and enjoying themselves, studying theoretical computer science. But if this is computer science, where are all the computers? While it is true that computers and programming are a major part of modern computer science, the Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking (PACT) – funded partially through the National Science Foundation and Rutgers University and hosted by Princeton University through the Center for Computational Intractability – goes beyond that. The program teaches students about the mathematics and algorithms fundamental to the computer science field. Many summer programs teach high school students programming and application development, but this five-week intensive course is one of very few with a theoretical and proof-based emphasis. The only requirements to participate are high school algebra, the willingness to work hard and be challenged, and, above all, the desire to learn.
10) AAVMC Veterinary Medical College Career Fair and Information Sessions - Registration is Open!
AAVMC is pleased to announce its annual Veterinary Medical Career Fair and Information Sessions event. This free event is for any high school and undergraduate student with an interest in the veterinary medical profession. The AAVMC’s recruiting event is a unique opportunity for prospective veterinary students to meet with admissions representatives from the veterinary medical colleges in the US and abroad. Information sessions are held to provide great information about various careers in veterinary medicine as well as helpful information on applying to veterinary school. Save the date for this unique opportunity! Registration is Open! https://tinyurl.com/2018AAVMC-CareerFair
AAVMC’s Annual Veterinary Medical Career Fair
& Information Sessions
Sunday March 4, 2018
1:30 PM—5:00 PM
Grand Hyatt Washington
1000 H St NW
Washington, DC 20001