The electromagnet

Lesson Overview

The  Thomas & Emily Davenport story invites learners to experience how some STEM inventors used their personal curiosity and resources to become engaged with science and engineering.  In this LA STEM Story, students are invited to be excited about new STEM advances to recreate an electromagnet and motor.

1. LA STEM Story:  The Thomas and Emily Davenport Story

How can blacksmith in Vermont could make an important contribution to the field of electrical inventions? Who supports the efforts of STEM workers? What sacrifices do people make to make advances in STEM?  It is important to engage students in the story in order to spark their interest in the unit. Prompt students to ask questions and to note interesting information. Read the entire story with primary source material included at Emily's Wedding Dress.

You can use questions such as:

"What do you find interesting about the story?"

"What would you like to know more about?"

"What questions do you have from reading the story?"

For more information about how students can read the story go to Reading LA STEM Stories.

Students should record observations or questions in a notebook. See directions for the STEM Notebook here.