Hippo Roller

We have seen this kind of picture. People, usually women, carrying water to their homes from the source. Let's personalize this a bit more, however.  


How would you engineer a solution for people in Africa to move water from the source to their homes that would reduce the personal effort and burden?  Consider the Triple Bottom Line in your thinking and planning.  What can they afford?  What will be simple to use in their terrain? What will work and be easy to fix if it breaks down?

Develop a team approach to help solve this problem. Design a plan, build a prototype, present your idea in terms of the TBL. Engineers work in a team. Few problems can be solved by one person.  Teams are often made-up of someone with a good technical understanding, someone with the science and mathematics background, and someone with the social, legal, cultural and aesthetic eye to the problem.  

Compare your solution to what one engineering company designed: