Fish Trap!

What can you eat when you are on an island in the ocean? What did Michael and Kensuke eat?  Sea life, right?  But, what if you don't have a spear or you don't have hooks or line? How do you catch fish?  Making a simple fish trap from material washed ashore might be a solution. In this exploration, students make a simple fish trap from a 2 liter soda bottle to catch minnows.

Materials required

• 2Liter Soda bottle

• Scissors

• String


1.  Cut the top off of a 2 liter soda bottle.

2. In the bottom of the bottle place a few stones and any bait that could attract fish.

3.  Invert the top of the bottle into the base as shown in the picture above.

4.  Punch three holes in the top of the bottle and tie string so that the top will not fall out of the bottom.

5. Punch some small holes in the bottle that will allow water in and out, but keep the fish in.

This is demonstrated in this video:

7. Tie a string to your trap.

8.  Try out your trap in a stream, lake or any waterway near you. Allow the trap to sink to the bottom. Leave the trap for at least 30 minutes.  Check the trap by pulling it in.  
