Cook Those Fish!

It is fine to have found some sea creatures to eat--they are plentiful along the rocks on the ocean shores. There are crabs, snails, limpets, clams, and various other edible creatures in including fish you might catch. The problem is, how would you cook these critters? Eating them raw might not be good for your digestion and you would likely barf it all up! What to do?  In this exploration we will use the power of the sun to make an oven.

Choose one of the Solar Oven models from the examples below or search your own model on the web by entering "Solar OVEN DIY"

A. The Simplest Model of Solar Oven

Materials Required

• Pizza Box

• Tape

• Scissors

• Newspaper

• Black construction paper

• Aluminum Foil

• Plastic wrap


Watch the short video below or read the directions at

B.  A Solar Oven that is a little larger and can handle a pot

Materials Required

• Cardboard Box

• Spray adhesive

•. Aluminum Foil

• Tape


Watch the short video below.

Test your Solar Oven on warming something like water.  


Which model did you choose?  

How long did it take to warm the water?

How could you improve your design?


Solar ovens might be just the thing for an island, but they are also important to people in many countries.  Watch this video of how solar technology can help people in areas where fuel for fires is scarce.