Michael Jaeger

Dr. J with Mr. Dutto soldering a connection for a power source

Brief Vita

Michael Jaeger is Professor and Dean Emeritus, Eastern Oregon University and recently served as Interim Executive Director of Innovation and Outreach at Eastern Oregon University.  Michael has broad experience as a scientist, public school educator and administrator, science teacher educator, administrator in higher education, and community advocate for economic development. As an entomologist he has studied aquatic insects and kept active in the discipline sharing his love for natural history with science students. As a fifteen-year veteran of public schools, Michael has taught every level and subject in science and technology, directed the curriculum efforts of a large suburban school district, and has received awards for teaching excellence. Michael has been the principle investigator of 22 science and engineering grants, has published over 30 articles and papers of note, and has three books and a significant new series of applied texts in science and engineering. He led the College of Education and Business for 11 years as dean and served as Eastern’s provost for almost three years. His current work is now focused on graduate education courses in Assessment, Curriculum, Development, and Learning Theory as well as a continued effort in advancing STEM education.

Links to ongoing work and responsibilities

Eastern Oregon University Graduate Online Courses and Resource Materials for students. Currently, I am teaching ED 510 Development, ED 588 Assessment Issues, ED 587 Curriculum Development, ED 510 Learning Theory, and guiding Thesis for MS students.   See:

LA STEM Stories.  A project designed to support upper elementary and middle school connect real world problem with solutions rooted in STEM subjects. See

Greater Oregon STEM Economic Development Research: See

Great Discoveries: Science-Health Curriculum for Elementary and Middle Grades. This curriculum is contextually arranged around five human body themes: The Human Camera (the eye), The Human Machine (the mechanics of the body and prosthetics), The Human Refinery (digestion and nutrition), The Human Receiver (the ear, hearing and speech), and The Human Zoo (microorganisms and disease).  

Ventures: Engineering Education Program for Middle and High School Students (STEM Initiative). This program is designed as teacher inservice education providing all of the necessary information and links to conduct STEM curriculum in the areas of water distribution systems, electronic applications and technology of pacemakers, agricultural product engineering, prosthetics, and communications. See:

Virtual Collection of Elaterid Beetles. This site demonstrates how the web can be a significant source to students in the biological sciences to discover and inventory biodiversity of any kind of living thing. See:

Links to organizations for which I am affiliated:

La Grande Rotary (Board of Directors)

Greater Oregon Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics GO-STEM (Advisory Board) See:

Carol Lauritzen

Dr. L sharing a book with her grandson

Brief Vita

Carol Lauritzen is Professor Emeritus, Eastern Oregon University. Carol has broad experience in literacy as a public school educator, literacy teacher educator, administrator in higher education, consulting at the local and international levels, and community advocate for literacy and learning. As an enthusiastic reader, she has donated hundreds of books to local libraries and maintains a little lending library in her front yard. As a fifteen-year veteran of public schools, Carol has taught every level and subject in the language arts and has received awards for teaching excellence. Carol has published four books and over 30 articles and papers of note and is a regular columnist for The ORAcle. She has over 45 years working as a teacher and leader in education. During her university career, she led the College of Education for eight years as Director of Teacher Education and three years as dean. She is currently past-president of the Oregon State Literacy Association.

Ongoing work and responsibilities:

Author. Grampie: True Home Stories from the Life of Alexander Graham Bell.

Eastern Oregon University Graduate Online Courses. Currently, I am teaching ED 583 Field Placement for Reading Specialists and ED 567 Spelling Matters, and mentoring MS students completing a thesis. See


LA STEM Stories.  A project designed to support upper elementary and middle school student to connect real world problem with solutions rooted in STEM subjects. See


Great Discoveries: Science-Health Curriculum for Elementary and Middle Grades. This curriculum connects physical science to learning about the human body in order to encourage students to be interested in medical professions. It is contextually arranged around five human body themes: The Human Camera (the eye), The Human Machine (the mechanics of the body and prosthetics), The Human Refinery (digestion and nutrition), The Human Receiver (the ear, hearing and speech), and The Human Zoo (microorganisms and disease). 


Ventures: Engineering Education Program for Middle and High School Students (STEM Initiative). This program is designed as teacher in-service education providing all of the necessary information and links to conduct STEM curriculum in the areas of water distribution systems, electronic applications and technology of pacemakers, agricultural product engineering, prosthetics, and communications. See:




Oregon State Literacy Association

Mountain Valleys Reading Council

Eastern Oregon Head Start