Cardinal Directions

 The Cardinal Directions are north, south, east and west and are commonly used forms of direction. The four equal divisions - northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest - are called primary Intercardinal Directions

Materials Required:

· Paper

· Markers

· Compass

· Tape


1.   Use 4 pieces of paper and write one of the Cardinal Directions on each pieces of paper: north, south, east, west. Use a compass to determine directions and put the labels on 4 walls in the house or classroom. Turn and face these different directions:

· North

· South

· West

· Southwest

· East

· Northeast

· Southeast

· Northwest

2. To apply your new understanding of directions, ask someone to name a direction. Then you stand up and face that direction. For example, a parent might start by asking you to face north, then south, then east, then west. Then ask you to face northwest and northeast, as well as southwest and southeast.

3. Go to a different space that does not have the signs on the wall and repeat the process. Can you remember the directions?

4. Repeat the exercise outside. Practice until you are confident you know the Cardinal and Intercardinal directions.