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Risk Reduction

[HW6b]: Risk Reduction

Risk Reduction Demonstration and Write Up


Each team will present the results of their risk reduction tests to the rest of the class. Most teams choose to build risk reduction for one concept, but teams that cannot decide between two concepts can implement a risk reduction of a key component of each to help them decide.

Bring your hardware, show what was done, and what your conclusions were. The presentations will be held around the contest table and should last about 5 minutes per team. Write up the summary of the effort using the Risk Reduction Worksheet and submit online AND BRING HARDCOPY TO SECTION. 

  • Please fill out three different aspects of your designs on the worksheet! It is important that you think critically about all of the most likely failure points.
  • Only one column needs to be presented to the professors, but we encourage you to do as many risk reductions as you need to ensure that your design works!

Risk Reduction Hardware

Risk Reduction hardware should include at least one powered part, whether it be powered by a motor, spring, or gravity. In addition, non-powered elements such as foamcore or cardboard can be used to make a 1:1 scaled model of your device to evaluate fit on the contest table. To encourage teams to move forward:

  • The 1/4" test acrylic in your kit can only be used by your risk reduction date. Any functional parts you cut out for your risk reduction test can be kept as part of your kit, but unused portions must be returned to your tutor.

Risk Reduction Write-up (10 pts)

As a team, prepare a write-up of your risk reduction tests (1-2 pages) that includes the following:

Objective of Risk Reduction (3 pts)

For each concept what were the high risk issues being addressed?

For each risk reduction test, what was the specific question the team was trying to answer?


Methods Used (3 pts)

Describe what types of tests where done.  Indicate what materials were used, and show figures of test hardware.

Describe in what ways risk reduction hardware accurately modeled final robot performance, and where differences could be.


Results of Tests (4 pts)

List what worked and what didn’t. Describe what was learned. Also include the following two items:


Risk Reduction Descision

Was a final decision made regarding which overall robot design the team will pursue (Yes/No)? ____

If no, then specify date for when team has committed to make this decision: _____________


Remaining High Risk Issues

List remaining concerns that need to be addressed by secondary risk reduction efforts.

Sharing Ideas Help Move Your Design Forward

What should we do if we have the best design idea in the class, and we do not want to share our ideas?

  • Remember that the best designs are those that have been put to the test and have their weaknesses identified early on. Your design concepts will change during the project, and the earlier you get feedback regarding your design the better.
  • At least share with your section, so that you can effectively work in the lab and get feedback.