howto Create a workspace

IMPORTANT: This is the legacy GATK documentation. This information is only valid until Dec 31st 2019. For latest documentation and forum click here

created by Tiffany_at_Broad

on 2017-11-08

There are two ways to create a new [workspace]( “workspace”):

    • From the Workspace List, by clicking Create New Workspace…
    • If you want to copy an existing workspace, click Clone… Cloning will make a copy of all the content in the workspace except the submissions. This means analyses submission history will not be copied into the Monitor tab. Cloning will not copy files over to the new bucket.

Upon creation, you will be prompted to enter information about your new workspace:

    • Pick the [Billing Project]( “Billing Project”) that will cover the compute, storage, and download costs for this workspace.
    • Give the workspace a unique name (only letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes allowed). The name of the Billing Project + Name must be unique in all of the Google Cloud Platform.
    • Enter a Description of what work will be done here.
    • Choose a [Group]( “Group”) or Groups to be in the [Authorization Domain]( “Authorization Domain”). These are used to secure your workspace access to a group of specific users.

Note: If the “Create New Workspace” button is greyed out, it means you do not have access to a FireCloud Billing Project. To set up billing,[ follow this process flow]( “ follow this process flow”). If someone you are working with already has billing set up and will allow you to use their billing project, they can follow these [instructions]( “instructions.”) to set you up.

Updated on 2018-05-09