Character Education #7: Citizenship

Post date: May 04, 2020 1:42:33 PM

Hey friends!

It's good to see you back here! I hope you got out in the sun this weekend and are ready to hit the week with renewed energy.

While I was outside this weekend I got to play some catch with my son. I love playing catch and I love baseball. I am ready for things to be safe enough for baseball games to start! Thinking of baseball made me think of Roberto Clemente and that brings us to the new character word for the week!

The new character word for this week is...CITIZENSHIP. CITIZENSHIP is shown by caring about the people in your community and asking how they are. CITIZENSHIP included sharing, being respectful to others and has a lot to do with how we treat the people around us.

Roberto Clemente once said, "Any time you have the opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth."

The video today focuses on the CITIZENSHIP that Roberto Clemente displayed. I hope you enjoy the video! I wish you well!

Click on the link below to see this weeks episode on CITIZENSHIP:

Here are some more videos on CITIZENSHIP for you to enjoy: