April 2021 Lesson: PERSEVERANCE

Post date: Apr 13, 2021 1:33:35 PM

This lesson is for the counseling classroom from April 12th - 23rd

Hey friends!

WOW! We have almost done it! We are about to complete the school year, and what a year it has been! You have had to endure new rules, new schedules and lots of new ways to do things. And through it all you have shown PERSEVERANCE! PERSEVERANCE means to keep trying, even when you feel like giving up.

YOU have shown PERSEVERANCE this year....but don't give up yet! This is a busy time of the school year as we begin to do state testing and begin to end our time in Kindergarten and 1st grade. You have done hard things....you have shown PERSEVERANCE and it is going to pay off!

One of the ways that we can show PERSEVERANCE is by doing our best work and giving our best effort....even when we don't feel like it. Check out this video on giving your best and doing quality work:

Quality Work - Doing You're Best!

PERSEVERANCE has helped people achieve their goals. They used PERSEVERANCE and didn't give up, even when things got hard or they wanted to quit. With PERSEVERANCE they were able to do what they set out to do! Let's take a look at someone who showed PERSEVERANCE by the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

PERSEVERANCE and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Below are some activities about PERSEVERANCE and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that you can do at


Check out some more videos on PERSEVERANCE here:

PERSEVERANCE and Amy Bockerstette

PERSEVERANCE and Scientists