Character Education #4: Bravery

Post date: Apr 13, 2020 2:17:9 PM

Hey friends!

I hope you all are doing well and staying safe!

Last week we got some sad news and found out that we won't be able to go back to school for the rest of this year. I am so sad and disappointed that I won't be able to see all of my friends, face to face, again this school year. That makes me sad because I love seeing my friends and talking to them everyday. Even though I am sad, I know things will get better and I will see my friends soon....but it is ok to feel sad about not seeing you and it is ok for you to feel sad about not being able to see your friends and teachers.

This leads us into our character word for this week...BRAVERY. BRAVERY means having a lot of courage or being able to face things that you find scary. Counselor Cody gets kind of scared when I have to face things that I don't know a lot not being able to be at school. Maybe you feel scared about being stuck at home or not being able to go to school. It is ok to be scared but we also must be brave in these situations. Let's take a look at some examples of people being brave.

Click on the link below to see this weeks episode on BRAVERY:

I hope you enjoyed that video lesson on BRAVERY and I know that YOU can be brave as you face things that might make you feel uncertain or scared.

I also wanted to give you some resources on feelings and understanding how we feel. Check out the videos about our feelings!

I hope you enjoyed these videos and they helped to explain what our feelings are. I wish you well!!!