Character Education #6: Curiosity

Post date: Apr 27, 2020 2:43:59 PM

Hey friends!

I hope you all had a great weekend and got to get outside and enjoy some of the awesome weather!

We have a new character word for this week and it is...CURIOSITY. CURIOSITY means wanting to know as much as you can about something. People who are curious and have CURIOSITY are always excited to learn new things. Most medicine discoveries, mechanical discoveries and even food discoveries happened because someone was curious about how things worked or what effect they could have on something else. Being curious has led to lots of important and interesting discoveries.

What are some things that you are curious about? Maybe you are curious about space, cooking, fixing things or even animals. We all have different things we are curious about and when we begin to learn about those things it can be exciting.

The video today focuses on the CURIOSITY that George Washington Carver had. I hope you enjoy the video! I wish you well!

Click on the link below to see this weeks episode on CURIOSITY:

Looking for more on CURIOSITY? Check out the videos below! They include one of my favorite curious friends...CURIOUS GEORGE!