Member Spotlight: Meet Andrew Mattox

Post date: Oct 31, 2014 12:47:39 PM

My name is AJ Mattox. I am a husband, a father of four, a full-time Department of the Army civilian employee, and a current UMUC senior taking classes online from Germany. I will finish my Bachelor of Science degree in December 2014 in Political Science, and have successfully maintained a 4.0 GPA. I have very much enjoyed my journey over these past two years at UMUC. I started my degree in 2012 as a transfer student with very little knowledge of international affairs or politics in general, but always had a desire to study political science. I have grown so much as a result of some great professors, classmates, and truly engaging course content. My goal after finishing my degree is to pursue a career in the intelligence field. I’m considering applying to the Navy as an officer to get the hands on experience I need, and will also set me up for success should I decide to rejoin the private sector. Thanks to my degree in Political Science from UMUC, I will be in a good position to do this.

I’ve also recently joined the UMUC Allies Mentor program because I recognize the importance of a strong support structure that is needed as an adult learner. Juggling family, career and class is not easy. I’ve enjoyed the opportunities to give fellow students that little bit of encouragement and support needed to be successful. Knowledge is pointless if it isn’t shared, and the Allies Mentor Program is a great conduit for successful students to be able to share tips that have helped them along the way.

I would be remiss if I did not take the time to say thanks to a few people. First and foremost I thank God for giving me the strength to endure and for giving me such a supportive and loving family; they have been my motivation in all of this. Some semesters I felt like throwing in the towel, but my wife and kids were always there to give me the extra nudge I needed to get through. There are also a few professors I want to thank for their dedication and personal investment in my education. Thanks to Dr. Robert Deller, professor Steven Durand, and professor John Sangiovanni. Lastly, I’d like to thank all my classmates who have forced me to hone my logic by pushing back and challenging me in my thinking.

-Soli Deo Gloria!