Two Tau Chapter Members Win National ASL Award

(Mikela Mulleneaux, left, Nagomi Koyama, right)

Every year, scholarships are awarded to students at the national level of Alpha Sigma Lambda. These scholarships are very competitive, with students applying from chapters across the country. Each chapter (there are over 300) can nominate up to two students for the scholarship award.

This year, BOTH of the applicants that the Tau Chapter Scholarship Committee sent to be considered were awarded scholarships at the national level! UMGC students Mikela Mulleneaux and Nagomi Koyama were two of the twelve students that were awarded the $3500 scholarships. Please join me in congratulating Nagomi and Mikela!

To learn more about the scholarships or to donate to the national Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarship funds, please visit the national Web site: Information will be sent out about applying for the 2020 scholarships in the winter.

You can learn more about our UMGC winners below.

Nagomi Koyama, UMGC Asia student, Spring 2019 ASL Inductee

About 10 years ago, my husband and I moved to Okinawa, and I noticed the Okinawa International Exchange and Human Resources Development Foundation had been recruiting applicants who want to enter the U.S. Universities in the military facilities in the prefecture. I am participating in this program so that I can attend the University of Maryland Global Campus as a student in Okinawa. Studying abroad has been a big dream since my childhood, so it is fortunate to be able to learn at an American university although I live in Japan.

I have about 30 years of experience as a Certified Physical Therapist in the rehabilitation department in the University Hospital. As a member of a multidisciplinary team, I am in charge of mentoring and educating clinical practice students. To improve my English ability and to develop and research the therapy for patients, I am enrolled in psychology as my major.

I am very grateful for the recognition of hard work through my induction into the Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society and the honor of being a recipient of the 2019 Scholarship. My goals are to be a great help for improving the patient service with my English ability, and to share my technique with my teammates. So, I will do my best and never stop learning.

Mikela Mulleneaux, UMGC Stateside student, Spring 2019 ASL Inductee

I am so very honored to be a part of the Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society and want to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity.

Currently serving in the United States Air Force, I am pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Networks and Cyber Security through the University of Maryland Global Campus. My passion for the Cyber Security field bloomed upon first enlisting in the service as a systems administrator. Upon completion of my degree, I hope to further my education through IT Certifications as well as obtain a Master’s degree. In my free time, I enjoy producing music, writing, and running.