2015 Seminole Torchbearer Award

2015 Seminole Torchbearer Award

Thursday, November 05, 2015, 5-6:30 PM

Oglesby Union Ballroom, FSU

Today evening VtS was inducted into the 2015 Class of Seminole Torchbearer Organization. Membership to this organization by nominations only and usually students and alumni who are exceptional leaders are nominated by faculty, staff, and students. The members are expected to carry on their legacy of leadership while being a student and as an alumni after graduating. Each each year approximately 200 junior and/or senior student leaders invited to join the elite organization.

Our family attended the event this evening held at FSU Oglesby Union Ballroom. The event started at 5 PM and the inductees recited a pledge and received their pin and certificate from Dr Coburn, Dean of Students Affairs.