
The Year 2031 (good)

We have a good future - things have changed for the Better

The change in the Middle East has been a good move for everyone ......

it has brought the people of the World back together again ......

The money that was being wasted on the War has now stopped and the money is being used as it should to help the people of the region.

The people now see the changes to there living standards - clean drinking water - better irrigation of the land no worries of attacks.

Iran has now joined forces with China Russia and USA to create a better future for everyone ...... what a change .........

The USA is helping with the Nuclear program in Iran and also making sure that OIL can flow freely to the countries North of IRAQ.

The people support the USA 90% now and things are changing President Bush could spend a night in Baghdad just like the Iranian leader did.

There is peace Europe , USA , China and Russia are all working together now to form a World Government.