
Gimp - page 5

Here we will deal with clours

Colours are a major thing in photos to enhance them .......

So we will go straight to the one I use most of the time as a first port of call the colour curve ,,,,,

We need a photo here that can show the extremes in the correct and possibly wrong use of these options .....

but when is a photo effect ever wrong ...... they can be done specifically to create a feeling .....

Andy Warhol showed this well in some of his photos / designs ..... Wiki ... ..

This is a screenshot of the Colors Menu in Gimp .......

Ok I will start off with Colors Curves .......

This is the first thing I go to once I have a photo to change .....

The reason for this is the following ...... a good builder starts with good foundations .... if the initial look is wrong .....

Then it will be difficult to correct to your liking if it starts out too dark or too light ,,,,,,,, or miss balanced in tones

This option can change all of these things in one go ....... so first go to the top photo of the canal and save it to disk ... you can use it for this Demo ..... right click and ...... save image as ...... PICT4895.jpg

Ok so now lets click on the Color ..... Curve ..... this is what we will see ...... we will move the curve in two places to show a quick effect ..... almost to change from Day to Night ....... lots more can be done with the curve ..... usually we just do slight adjustments ..... this is extreme to get you used to what it can do ......

If you drag the curve up to match the dark shaded area on the first finger on the left .....

Then drag the position on the second finger down to the shaded area ......

The curve will now look like the on shown below and your photo will now look like this ....

Save your edit here first though .....

Save As ....... filename.jpg ....... this time jpg's are the smallest filesize while retaining a good quality ......

This is extreme ...... to alter most photos ..... the slightest movement of this curve is needed and usually by picking it in the middle ....... press the keys together ........ Ctrl + z ....... do this twice and your photo will return back to normal ......

Then another effect that is good once you have set up the photo is the LOMO effect ...... try this .....