
This still worries me .....

Looking at some of the interviews on 9/11 and unanswered questions to do with the planes etc ....

I find all the information is difficult to follow on the 9/11 attack and who it was that orchestrated it .....

I like to keep an open mind though usually there has to be good reasons behind, something as big as this happening.

When you consider the amount of money in oil revenue involved it is not difficult to believe that there is more to this than meets the eye.

Initially there was hate against the people that created this act of violence ..... but the question remains .....

Was Saddam the right person to attack ...... (HE WANTED KUWAIT OIL)the reason below. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/middle_east/02/iraq_events/html/kuwait_invasion.stm

(Bin Laden - Afghanistan was said to be behind it - so why then take it out on - Iraq) 'http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137095,00.html' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/01/28/bush-sotu-bin-laden-ment_n_83737.html

Saddam is dead -

Bin Laden as far as I am aware is not .......

Who was going to benefit from this massacre of people .........

If it is true that there was no logical explanation for the said act that was so stupid ........ but carried out with military precision .......

( The timing the accuracy ... )

Yet it benefited a country in debt and short of a certain product ...... that would in turn bring in lots of revenue.

Questions then need asking ........ if this was not about anything other than oil ....... why then is so much work going into sorting the oilfields out ......

(in 2003 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/jan/23/usa.oil)

now (in 2008 http://www.iraqupdates.com/p_articles.php/article/26665)

So little money out of the big picture seems to be going to help the people ..... of the country that the USA seems to have taken over .......

Fortunes of war ... who actually owns the oil ... now ........

(Sharing out the gains with Russia - to keep everybody happy !!! ....)

This is a snippet taken from link above .......

(Still considering America's huge footprint in the country, the big U.S. oil companies might have the advantage. And that could deal a setback to Russia's drive to take a bigger share of the energy pie - most recently demonstrated by lucrative pipeline deals and company purchases in the Balkans by gas giant Gazprom.)


(This is where Iraq comes in, with potential for development and oil reserves that one company last year revised upward to more than an estimated 200 billion barrels.)

Why was Iraq targeted for 9/11 Bin Laden was not in Iraq,

in a murder case you would look for a motive .......

There are always two sides to every story ..... but only one truth .....

The truth will be found ..... In History lots of things happen but the truth always comes out .....

I guess nobody at the time dare talk about the things Hitler was doing, could anybody have told him he was wrong. (would he have listened) ...


For OIL Business's / Business people

Why Cut down on the oil consumption

(How can they lose - its a

(win / win) situation)


When it may be possible with the right reason to go to another country ..........


Six years in IRAQ now -

The OIL deals are almost complete .......

(To let them have 25% of there own OIL)

some clever work here ........

With a double bonus .....

If the OIL prices were to be increased .......



What did Bin Laden - have to gain from it ?

IRAQ ....... ?


What will the OIL GIANTS gain from it ?


Should we cut down on its use / consumption


We need to remove our

reliances away from Crude Oil / Fuel.

New Methods for engines need to be used.

To end a WAR

One that has continued since March 2003 in Iraq.


Looking beyond the talks

March 2008 now EU impose the 3rd round of Sanctions against Iran


Iranian Leader now involved

Strong words whats next

Hopefully diplomacy

I like this ... just words ..... but how true - to make people fight .....