
Philosophy Teaching Ideas - the little I know

Simple Things That May Help Future Generations ...... It will not matter to me ...... but it might matter to you .......

The World and The Future

(Be Positive)

Make life better for yourself

Computers time disappears looking at the good things in Life




Keep it simple ......


First Priority -

Get a decent Laptop

Brilliant for keeping your life in order


Why a laptop

Its energy efficient by design

You can travel with it

(It will work in every country)


Learn from the Internet


You can put your photos from your camera onto it

With Wifi - stay in touch with people all over the planet

In Winter lay in bed with it on your lap keeping you warm as the battery re-charges

Use it for navigation on the move GPS

Even use it with a inverter in your vehicle


Next thing - if you are not married

Stay Single - Most of the Big World Problems Get Solved

Eventually there would be ......

No Poverty

No Suffering

No worries about Global Warming

No Nuclear Waste

Nobody to Destroy the Earth


Should People still make technological advances

Maybe - towards leaving this planet

To see if we can make a better job of the next one

If we plan it properly

The Beauty of other planets

Is Earth the Only Place We Know That can Support Life

But what about



Not just because we have ruined

- our Earth -

But maybe Earth will not last forever without our help

Maybe We should Clean up the rubbish we have made here on Earth

Before we think about leaving it

On the next planet

Just Trees and Animals maybe

So another question ... did another life form already do this before us ?

Did it go wrong ....

Were Humans put on Earth to wipe everything else out

Are we similar to a virus


Nuclear Rubbish

True it does exist but its not in our back yards

So do we know where all the Nuclear Rubbish is

If so lets just get it all

Then send it to one place that will eat it up

The Sun


Can it be done

Put Radioactive Waste on rockets


Maybe just fire it at the sun

Only other option is keep building it up on this planet


Fire rockets up there carrying as much Nuclear Waste as possible

make sure that nothing can go wrong

(Hopefully it will hit the Sun)

What would happen if the rocket exploded in our atmosphere

what happens if we do nothing and keep building up stockpiles of it


There is a lot more Space than (Land and Sea)

Who would know if people were dumping it in the Sea or in Landfills

Who would know if its being fired into Space


Now for a lighter Topic



This raises the Question ?

If only Animals lived on the planet

Would the forests disappear and concrete jungles be created

and Nuclear power stations and fighting for resources ....



Words that scare us

To go back in time and not be so intelligent ......

Thats where I'm at or getting there :-

(life and age does this to you eventually apparently)

( To try to be less intelligent - would we still survive )


Reverse thinking not being really clever with Technology to solve our problems

But still to use the people and keep everybody busy

Use people power to create Energy

Tread mills with loads of people running jogging rowing creating power from power

(weight lifting pulling and rotating generators)

Nothing that we do not already do - but we waste the energy at gyms



Household Electric

A Wind Generator

on the side of your House

Solar Tiles on the roof


Water Heaters on the Roof

what is the saving to the Environment


another option ..... is ........

Get married and have loads of children ........ you have enough worries then

Not to worry about anything else ........

or maybe just a couple of children

get the children working really hard while they are young

breed work into them


Imagine ... did Adam and Eve realize all the problems

That they were creating

When they had 6 billion children

They could have just had a good time a bit of fun and then split up


This is it

I have it ........

Buy a good computer and play / work (in that order) .....

Till the end of Time .............

Not doing no harm to anybody but myself

Living Together in peace ....... with my computer

For Ever and Ever ......... almost ........

Until the Electricity gets cut off .............


Because the resources have all been used up

Coal - Gas - Plutonium

Hang about

But we still have

Hydro Electric Power

Wind Generated Power

Wave Power

Solar Power

And people still thinking of new ideas

What about Wind and Hydro together in Valleys hidden out of the way


I have a solar panel - I need to know how to use it all year around

A group of clever people should go to each town and set up one or two

systems up so others can copy them.

Now theres a challenge


The local government should give help and money

Might pay off in the Future and help prevent Global Warming


Food and Drink

Salmon in Cabernet De Anjou Rosie Wine

A glass of wine in a frying pan - just add Fresh Sliced Salmon

Cook for a few minutes until the fish is cooked through

It turns pink and almost starts flaking


Also A starter use a fresh slice of salmon wrapped around some soft cheese

Serve with a slice of lemon and Eat


Are we damaging brain cells drinking

Alcohol and THE Brain

The End

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