
Linux -

what you can add to make it better ......

Updated ..... Friday 29th Feb 2008

Basic - From a clean installation of Kanotix

Tweaks - How I Improve it ......

( also with some - Ubuntu - addons later )

My Basic Setup (Below)

To get all the system information displayed add superkaramba

apt-get install superkaramba

Allowing you to become more creative with very small limitations ............. If any ..

(Be proud of your system nobody else will have exactly the same as you have)

So enjoy and hopefully - become more creative

You are free to use as much or as little of my setup as you want or to to try another

Other Linux Distributions



( This is aimed at new comers to Linux - wanting to use a very good base system - Kanotix )

But if you want to try this out - add the things below to make it work even better.

( Start Slowly and Learn ....... Rush on and you will miss the point ...... )

You may also find things that you cannot do in XP

So easy to do - in this Environment

Like Switching between - Desktops

I mean (Enlightenment) and (KDM - KDE)

Not just switching pages on the Desktop which is also built in and so easy

( You can do this - while both are running together and working at the same time )


First things I add to Kanotix - ( Basic Installation )



Go to K in bottom left of screen click it and go to option

Run Command

Type in


(this opens a console / terminal and)

type in su (stands for super user)


(you are then prompted for a password - you set this up when you did the installation - root user password)

password : ********

Change to root - by entering the password you put in for root user when installing Kanotix

( Then type in or cut and paste the following........... it just updates one of the update list entries )

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A70DAF536070D3A1

apt-key add /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg

apt-get update

(this basically updates the lists of programs available to kanotix and ensures what you download is up-todate )

(this next step is to set the system date to your timezone - type in the following or cut and paste)

apt-get install tzdata

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

(A window will appear like this ......)

Pick your ( place / city ) set it up ..... keeps the clock in the right hand corner of your screen correct ......

Then continue .........

Just in case you get a craving to drop back to some Windows (95/98/XP etc...) programs

apt-get install wine

(also do build-dep) for each e.g. so for wine ...............

apt-get build-dep wine


apt-get install qcad

apt-get install blender

apt-get install wings3d

apt-get install povray

apt-get install povray-includes

apt-get install gimp


apt-get install amsn

Mind Manager

apt-get install vym

Another Graphics manager - I use for root access KDE only allows terminal access

apt-get install gdm

Films and Documentary Manager

apt-get install miro

plus I add these for compiling etc ....... your choice as always ..... yes / no

check your drives space out with .....


apt-get install g++

apt-get install python

apt-get install fort77

apt-get install perl

apt-get install python-tz

then do

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

(this sets the timezone correctly)

Then just to tidy things up .... run

apt-get clean

apt-get autoclean

Check your space left out ........


If you have plenty like above (500 Mb) left you may want to try out E17


This You Do at your own risk its basically Ubuntu Feisty Code

I use E17 for my second Desktop to KDE its fast and runs Blender better

( You can add Beryl using a similar method )

My graphics card will not handle it but it seems to install ok

E17 works for me - but it might not work for you

Be Warned you try it at your own risk

This is just something I like to add

because its a very fast Desktop and I like the effects

I add E17 - Enlightenment by editing the ...... sources.list for apt-get ..........

( always my last job when everything else I really need is installed and working )

You may have to log in as root to do this - I use a root terminal window and type in GDM

It allows you to log in as root - uses a second display manager in the same Session ........

apt-get install gedit (I like this editor)

gedit etc/apt/sources.list

apt sources list needs editing - and add the following -

(the edevelop repository no longer exists)


## E17 repository (you may need to find another one this has been changed now)

deb feisty e17

deb-src feisty e17


## E17 latest repository 2008 March

deb unstable main

deb-src unstable main


Now we need the gpg key for the repo



apt-key add repo_key.asc

apt-get update

apt-get install e17

Now re boot and choose sesion Enlightenment .....

This creates a whole new feel to your computer and Blender runs exceptionally well in it.

So heres a screenshot just after loading - added module flames

Animated flames at the bottom of the screen

check out programs

Graphics are exeedingly fast on my old computer an Aspire 1350

TryThese Old Games out

apt-get install chromium

apt-get install armagetron

apt-get install tuxpuck

also (think this is probably already installed - but it should upgrade with this command)

apt-get install streamtuner

good for radio channels online......also xmms as a player

apt-get install xmms

I need to show you a video of these things .....

vnc2swf ...

Next Job .... SWF files ...

I am having problems running these on this webpage - ( my lack of knowledge I think ......)

- but I can add the files below for you to download - but you will need to install VLC ......

you can do it using apt-get .....

(you need your root password - remember when you installed Kanotix - it asked you to set it up)


apt-get install vlc


My Problems Rectifications for my S3 graphics on Laptop .................. after updates .....

Most distributions get my graphics set up wrong - but kanotix detects them correctly upgrades seem to screw them

up but to rectify this the below works ...............

After the upgrade if the Graphics do not work properly .........

To prevent it:

apt-get remove --purge kanotix-graphics

before upgrade, then:

apt-get install kanotix-graphics

On the Initial kanotix update you need to add the keys below ....... Key Problem

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys A70DAF536070D3A1

apt-key add /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg



You can stay safe and stick here


you may want to experiment and test your capabilities

But this is no big problem

because if it messes up

It takes about 20 minutes to re-install - even without a re-format

so you lose very little of the work you have already done setting up your system


keeps your home directory with your settings and desktop plus your work if you stored it here

I always store important things to an external drive and recommend that you do too but thats your choice

data usually stays safe as long as you do not format the partition that it is on

I have in the past re-installed and experimented probably about once a week and never really worry : -

I dare not in XP though - the rebuild of this system is nightmare and whats the chances of your files being ok

Yet XP has been on my computer now for 6 years - I only use it when I have to.....

I used XP yesterday and the frustration - waiting for it to work

was without doubt one reason why I will not be using it much more.


If you do any of the above

It is at your own risk


I write this due to the fact that if you use Kanotix as is from the CD you will probably have very few problems

I on the other hand like seeing what I can get this - old computer to do - Everybody is different

Play Safe install Mandriva / Ubuntu / Kanotix / Gentoo / PClinuxOS and leave as is ......


Experiment and usually have fun - I have never looked back since changing to Kanotix

Its Debian based so everything can be accessed easily with apt-get or even aptitude

It suits me and my system - find one that suits yours - I hope Kanotix works as well for you as it does ofr me.


The latest thing I do is start in console mode now .......

Do a root login


(which fires up an X window straight into KDE as root for me)

Then I open up a terminal as root and fire up GDM in user mode


This then opens up a login screen - so I can use Gnome Desktop

This fires up Gdm and Gnome on Display 1

Already running is KDM - KDE on Display 0

and to switch between the two use Ctrl-Alt-F7 and Ctrl-Alt-F8

I like this because I prefer KDE for managing my system

While I find Gnome better for photograph management and running Blender.

I like Enlightenment for the eye candy and speed of the graphics games etc.

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