
Empathic Design Workshop

Date: Saturday- 2015-08-22 - 9am-12pm PDT


1. Edwin Rutsch

2. Velina Lujan

3 Tim Harrison

4 Bar

Google Event

Design Workbook

Click on this link and your will open the the design workbook.

Question: Discussing the issue of recording the meeting to YouTube?

Empathy Circle

Date: 2015-08-22

Intention Setting


Intention: I want to create tools for fostering more empathy in the world. I’d like to make connections with people who value empathy and build a movement.

Bar Lowenberg

Intention: To further my empathy skills and ability and to connect with kindred spirits


Intention: Same as Edwin - build tools that make this more accessible to the masses - demystify & simplify the concepts so others can understand & use them...


Intention: I like what Bar said. Ditto :O) Connection from the heart and build community with kindred spirits is the ultimate need I have

Intention Agreement. How does the group intention work for you on a scale of 0 to 8?

1. Whole-hearted Endorsement

Edwin, Tim, Velina,

1 Your challenge: How might we redesign the Empathy Circle to foster a more empathic way of being?

Interview Transcripts:

Velina interviews Tim

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

    • It feels broken up - the technology got in the way of the process.

    • It was really good and interesting, how much the technology got in the way of the whole thing,

    • the technology is capable but it’s surprising how the technology can derail the

    • The technology messed with the flow

What did you line about the empathy circle?

I can see it is going to go somewhere that is going to work.

I can see it is not working now but that it will work.

my mind was racing on the process instead of the content.

how to mute mic and more to document

I liked it because I can see that it’s going somewhere that is going to work - fascinating as a challenge that will work at some point. My mind was racing about the process rather than the content - too busy thinking about the technical aspects

You see the potential for it to work?

The value that you get from being together - social media of huge interest- how it’s different being with someone in person versus online. Raises big interesting challenges -

Regarding the design process - I’m excited about applying design thinking to a challenge like this. I’m familiar with the design process - it’s kind of odd to see it applied this way (rather than to, say, hardware design).

I’m interested in the in person versus from the online

The facebook and teachnology thing

All the challenges technology overcomes the person issues

it’s different to be sitting together with you.

[How to make the technology smoothers]

where the technology falls downs.

I’m curious to take it out of the empathy piece to the design piece. You work with design, is it different? How are you with the design process? is it familiare, how it lands with you?

    • I’m excited about apply design thinking to a challenge like this. this is how I work. this flow is a articulation for people that

    • I’m super familiar with design process.

    • It’s kind of odd to see it articulated like that. We were not taught that.

    • the whole process of design is about empath

Tim interviews Bar

I don’t know” I have a sense of being involved in it and not aware at the same time. I was a little distracted by the hows technology. and lay out. But liked it. Certainly brought up a whole area of thought and understanding to be developed. Lots of material to be considered. Most interested in from outside perspective. Observer effect and the OBSERVED effect. Empathy circle felt very connecting. Doing the circle. Felt like an empathy session which feels warm to me.

What stood out as better than others, caught your attention? The time limitation went both ways. I saw it as being helpful and being limiting. I think that it's probably the kind of thing where the first time will be much different than the next time once I am used to the system.. Still in the learning process.

there is a learning process

Helped to have a different way to introduce the process like an intro that is structured and helped prepare for the design process? I do

Was there a way of helping a new person to prepare for the logistics and technology of the process?

yes I don’t know the intro was there.

I didnt’ know about the intro part.

WHen I’m new to things I don’t always see the whole thing and it seems to be that I’m realizing that there is something about this process that is missing which is crucial to empathy. VERY LARGE ISSUE which is ALIVENESS. Being alive in the moment and what is happening and being able to track everything on the stop. Process of design becomes more of a beginning stage or training wheels phase. It seems that this is limited doesn’t allow for that aliveness.

I totally agree that structure is important too

Here’s an idea, how to get a person to understand. an intro video? we can work together to create a video. We can orientate newbees, The orientation idea.

What could be different?

When I am new to things I don’t see the whole.

It’s seeming to me there is something that is missing for me that is crucial for the empathy, What is crucial is the liveness and to track that.

A process that is designed becomes a beginning process. This is the training wheels phased. Where the steps are laid out is a limitation that doesn't allow for that aliveness.

What did you make of it.?

I don’t know, I’m

I liked it, I enjoyed it.

I was a little distracted by how to do it.

[need to do it multiple times to get familiar with the technology. After a few times you get comfortable with the technology.]

Seeing the observer and observed effect. the empathy was very connecting, particapaing , observing. It felt like an empathy session.. feels warm

Bar interviews Edwin

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

It did feel two major experiences. One: I felt a lot of care and space. Depth of ease. because of the experience levels of empathy and Tim with design. I felt an ease that I didn’t have to hold it all. There was a feeling of jaggedness with velina being late, technical issue, inhibit the flow we’re behind now a half hour and not able to do the full iteration and feel sad about that. I feel excited about the topic of being recorded. Gaining insight about being recorded and beautiful information and insight how do we design this to bring in the issues of being recorded

What parts did you have trouble with and why?

I’m celebrating the process. Nothing is wrong. Everything is useful. Celebrate the failure. Not wallow in the failure. Fail early fail often. Succeed and grow. Really trying to incorporate that attitude.

I’m seeing that there is a lot of tools that can be created like video introduction material etc. familiarity to make the tools familiar and easy. It becomes less of an issue.

Need for steps and processes to make it smoother.

Bar is celebrating the “failure” embodies the spirit of NVC most basic understanding of life and the universe. Whatever happens is useful. NO right or wrong and to be with others that have that same attitude.

When Velina and I were in the park in Oakland celebrating the failure it felt good.

There was a point, I’m chomping at the bit, I was thinking when we do the empathic listening. Had to hold it back. Whole aspect of empathy and openness. For me empathy is about openness. Authoritarian government is trying to shut down that openness. If we do it in a hidden container goal is to open and bei in the world here we are and we are being honest and open to the world. Revolutions. Fearful constricted then gaining confidence as people get together

Jaggedness - timing/technical issues inhibited flow. Some frustration around this. Needs to not have the technology get in the way of the empathy discussion.


Edwin interviews Velina

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

I was frustrated with myself - stayed up too late last night and still feeling the effects - brain frozen, self-sabotaging tendency - painful to get up and be ready and it still didn’t work - frustrating - delighted to see all of you here - comforting, yes miss the physical presence but feel sustained by this online village - the magic of the support from the FunFest alleviated back pain - not wanting this to be broadcast - conscious of how my back feels and will feel after this.

Edwin asks if this can act as an adjunct to other forms of empathic connection?

Yes, especially for people who don’t have direct access to places like Santa Cruz.

Edwin asks if there’s anything to do with this design process to create more community.

It’s about connecting and process - bringing together both those who process through thinking and and those who process through feeling. My desire would be that Tim and Bar email feedback about this experience, maintain contact, and provide further opportunities for others to join in. Loves Facebook as tool for keeping alive connections.

What parts did you have trouble with and why?


    • Frustrated with self & computer (preparedness/getting going).

    • Miss physical presence.

    • Worried about back pain (sitting for too long)

    • Need community (but this process helps as an “add-on” to “in-person” reflection)

    • “Sense of Community” is a big need

    • Difficulty understanding design as “process” - maybe needs better explanation.

    • Looking to involve a mixture of both thinkers and feelers

    • Chance to connect - reconnection, keeping in touch, maintain contact

2 Empathy Map

Edwin Interview Velina


1. Velina is looking to create community and sees empathic design circles as one way to do this in addition to in person community. She sees it as a flexible way to connect with people.

2. Velina is effected by her state of mind before she comes into the workshop. She was feeling stressed and tired before coming to this circle. variety of feelings, today stress.. need for ease, connection. need for rest, efficiency, functioning with self. need ease, protection, security. sf




    • alone

    • disconnected

    • hope


    • community

    • connection

    • ease

    • support.

Velina Interview Tim

Insight: Was fascinated with how the technology and aspect of videotaping derailed the process. Distractions with the tech. and social media

Likes the idea of how this process has the potential to take it somewhere. Not seeing it yet but sees how it can. Never taught the concept of empathy in his design training. Loves to see the model used this way.

Feedback: technology and promoting production


    • Frustration

    • Concern

    • fascination

    • comfortable


    • authenticity

    • ease

    • flow

    • safety

    • productivity

    • Connection

Bar Interview Edwin

Insight: Celebrating the process - nothing is wrong. Everything is useful - celebrate the failure.


create a space for this.

turn frustration it into a positive.


    • joy

    • excitement


    • understanding

    • acceptance

    • clarity

    • competence

    • contentment

    • appreciation

    • effectivenes

Tim Interviewee Bar


    1. Needs clarity up-front about how this works - could do with better “training wheels” (introduction) to feel more comfortable with process.

    2. Also stated a need for “aliveness” (clarification from Bar needed).

Feedback: Whole thing as training wheels

how to foster aliveness?

The product of the

acknowledge observer and the observed effect when the

product will have it’s own process. and there will be an observed effect. help people to understand that what they are seeing is different.

observation changes things

first define an outcome. what is the end goal.


    • curiosity

    • hopeful

    • anxious

    • newness


    • clarity

    • safety

    • understanding

    • competence


4 Define one problem/pain/need statement

What is the need or problem you see:

Velina is looking to create community and sees empathic design circles as one way to do this in addition to in person community. She sees it as a flexible way to connect with people

What is the need or problem you see:

Tim was fascinated with how the technology and aspect of videotaping derailed the process. Distractions with the tech. and social media. Make sure people are comfortable with what they are about to say.

What is the need or problem you see:

Edwin wants to turn frustration it into a positive.

What is the need or problem you see:

Bar wants to acknowledge the value as well as the limitation in the more global issue of applying technology to empathy, which ultimately lies outside the realm of technology.

the whole issue of designing an empathy process and the value and the limitation fo ti.

every steps should assist the empathy.

Two themes

There can be issues (personal, legal, etc.) with the videotaping and it being broadcast.

Technology affects empathy difficulties an issue.

Technology cannot replace Face-to-face interaction!

Have an awareness that it’s not the whole

The technology is not capturing all the nuances. there are limitations.

Merge problem Statements:

The process and the technology in the online empathy circle has limitations for fostering empathy, it can provide a useful and valuable path to empathy, and it’s important to have an awareness that there are other paths that can enhance one’s overall experience of deep and unstructured empathy and the gifts thereof.


Have a get out of the structure free card. Whatever the group is doing to leave the process.

Have an emergency empathy card.

bar, a couple of weeks.

Say the, get more specific outcomes. it’s an emergent process.

the outcome is to explore a range of possibilities.

5 Translate the problem into a ‘How Might We’ (HMW) challenge

How Might We...overcome the technical limitations for fostering empathy in the online empathy circle?

technical challenge

presence v online?

there is some much going on and it’s a complicated matter. delivery by technology is new, there are all these different things going one so it’s hard to focus on the felt experience versus all the technical issues. Like learning to drive for the first time. need to take time to learn the process. it’s the learning of the process getting in the way.

Familiarity, causes

warn people this will be jagged and rough because we are just learning.

How Might We… address the issue of people feeling discomfort with being recorded and broadcast on youtube or the internet?

disclosure make it very open

privacy challenge - Tim!

6 Brainstorm

How Might We… address the issue of people feeling discomfort with being recorded and broadcast on youtube or the internet?

Velina’s ideas:

Upfront Explanation video

Clear disclosure with detailed examples of how the recording will be available to the world. Just saying “recorded” doesn’t not have the impact that “broadcast on the internet through youtube” does.

Have 3 different groups; (meet the need for choice)

( ) those who are ok with broadcasting “broadcast”

( x ) closed groups that aren’t going to be recorded at all “off air”

( ) groups that are ok with recording but for internal use only. “inhouse”

Have an option on the screen for those who can pause recording for when they speak to remain private.

Have the option of the person using a cartoon/avatar of them and an alias and maybe even a voice altering device so that they can join in and contribute while remaining anonymous. This opens up the floor for all to participate regardless of their need for privacy

Maybe just using a “stage name” and blurring their face and voice like I’ve seen on tv.

Edwin’s Ideas

Have more explanations of how recording is part of the free testing phase of the workshop. Every empathy circle will not be need to be recorded.

Create a whole webpage on the topic of openness and privacy.

Create a whole Mini empathy workshop on privacy vs openness and develop a document about the

Have a magic wand that makes the world safe place so that people don’t have to worry about vulnerability and safety

Make a documentary about this issue this comes

create an openness v privacy meter, how open or private do you feel at this moment?

Edwin: closed 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( ) 6( ) 7( x ) 8( ) 9( ) 10( ) open

    • subissies -

Velina: closed 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( ) 6( ) 7( ) 8( ) 9(X ) 10( ) open

Tim: closed 1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( x ) 5( ) 6( ) 7( ) 8( ) 9( ) 10( ) open


Tim’s Ideas

A Video upfront that talks about privacy (also legal implications - health/defamation etc!)

    • what are the legal issues?

An easy way to review personal contribution (tagged content & opt-out editing)

    • video tagging start ups - allow bookmarking in the video clip

    • click and go

    • youtube direct link

    • soundcloud - people add comments to audio - tag points

Define Goals first - so topics of conversation are useful & relevant

    • tell people what are trying to get from the circle will frame the conversations.

Guiding Conversation - Staying on-topic - not straying into stuff that isn’t sharable/sensitive.

    • how interjections are made

Predefined Topics which are Shareable vs Private

Time to reflect - even if happy to share, having time would be better rather than immediate public share.

    • be able to think about it. have a buffer of time to reflect

A formal privacy “waiver” of some kind. (Also consider privacy laws outside the USA)

    • log on window of hangouts has a wavier

    • different laws in different countries.

An “intro” / tiered approach - doing non-personal sharing to build familiarity with process/people.

    • non personal sharing of the workshop - don’t be personal to begin with

    • after familiarity feel more comfortable making judgements

    • a beginners course that avi

The idea must cost $1 million

    • you have a gang of hit that will knock off anyone that threatens you?

    • slush fund for paying legal bills if you get in trouble by what yu saidn

    • you will receive $1 million if what you say is taken advantage of by someone

    • $1M talk-therapy - money back guarantee!

The idea must contain magic

    • we become ideal image of ourselves on sceen, instead of being velina - have the body and voice of her creation

    • It works great - but expires at 12am

    • Downloadable Empathyshop filter.

    • paint things with the empathy filter. - all your troubles solved with the empathy filter softwares - pain away frea,

    • erase your crap relationships

    • better looking air brush

Empathy is something we need when we need help with something.

is empathy needed for non private issues.

empathy is always related to tenderness.

not need for fun stuff

has most value for Tim around tender issues.

Edwin’s story of the family of positive stories.

Topics that are good

appreciative inquiry - a

guide the topic for creating

  • if we understand the goals.

  • people are going through life. and we live in a litigious world and make accommodation for that.

  • part of me was irritated by people not wanting something public.

  • had jackel around privacy. but now see it.

  • want people to come to the point of openness and overcoming shame

  • a group energy of being safe ain a group . took years. to get to this point.

  • a big subject. - important to hold the need for a better world and a yearning . detail with the reality as well. ie insurance companies.

  • most importantly for the individual tenderness.

  • my situation is


could be an opening as well.

Want it for education, training, promotion. pr.

4 layers of announcement

    • on webpage

    • email

    • sign in

    • I announce

tim -

we live in another world.

we are hunter gatherers living in an age of technologies. .

are even biologically equipped to live in the technical world

can we do a workshop on this topic?

biology and technology and how it affect our physiology

surfacing the big issues, nibble away

Defining the goals for the project?

develop and empathic way of being

develop the empathy circle?

    • not specific enough.

    • get more specific

    • how might it help me and the participants

    • what is the relationship between edwin and the participants

    • is it about helping people gain awareness or is it a commercial venture

    • have a discussion around what it is we are doing

    • important that people feel that what they are contributing is relevant

    • is everyone able to contribute to the welling being of everyone

    • is this productive and beneficial and helping versus a nebulous feel good.

What is the overall intention?

a mission statement can help.

around clarity. around the goal

Why is empathy important?

this nails down the golal.

turn comments in to a shareable

surfacing what is relevant for people

people leapfrog the why question?

the bigger why questions is the most valuable.?

Why are are you here?

    • Opens the doors to different conversations

    • Tim interest in personal development and related to his project and help each other.

can be open and ambiguous

a funnel

focus in

step back to see the big picture

    • what are the goals?

    • define goals

What is the project?

is it open an vague - name it.

the context of the thing as a whole

Two directions - what are we doing?

for clarity and boundaries what we are doing

    1. develop a tool

    2. we don’t know - explore potential ideas

Lean Startup model: Business model canvas

    • use this for the big picture.

    • a good framework for making something that is going to work

    • can be done with HCD and can prime participants with what we are doing

    • one of many tools

hmw - get everyone on the same page.

    • design is about getting people on the same page

    • this is very valuable.

    • everyone is onboard - everyone is heard

    • as a way to get buy in and including

    • big revelation for Tim: everyone has personal opinion and can see it. it it out of everyone's head onto the wall.

    • create a one sheet goal of what everyone sees as the goal.

Do the shared goals statements.

intentions and goals.. do a collating of that.

get it out of the head and onto paper

surfaces where there may discrepancies.

see what is the most important considerations.

having tools and use them at the best point.

get maximum values - effectiveness.

up front: get on the same page, with the shared strategy.

charity upfront. for best tactical resultus

design:, creates that connection, inclusion,

you are the job of a translator.

Tim is a translator. translating values, ideas, ways of working.

HCD is a framework to learn. a culture.

it’s not just aesthetics, it the feelings and culture.


    • We are co-teaching and co-learning the IDEO HCD design process

    • How might we develop a scaleable empathy circle tool to create more empathy in the world?

    • empathy circles as a gateway to HCD.

3 core groups of ideas to explore. Flexibility - framing of the goal.

    • h1. we want to create an empathy tool, by the end of the year, one part of the design challenge is around creating that tool

    • h2 how might that tool be improved down the line

    • h3, the bigger picture and how it changes the world.

How might we converge and integrate individual contributors people's

    • goals

    • intentions

    • value of empathy

document and have it out in the open

robotics and the needs underneath it.

how well were your needs addressed

when people are connected to the thing they are working on it can lead to creativity

eye contact.. issues

how do we practically do this.

individual contribution will give life to the project.

hone/edit in to the core and then shape and craft was is left

Empathy tool - more concisely the tools the purpose, the better the job we will do .

feature itis. go toward the most important and remove stuff.

editing down

the 3 horizons.

    1. nearest tasks at hand

    2. incremental improvement

    3. change the game

Empathy circle - foster effectiveness and clarity

    • H1 - task at hand.

    • H2 - empathy tool evolves into a website.

    • H3 - what could we imagine what will change the game -

      • schools