
Defining the goals for the Workshops?


There may be different goals for different parts of the project

  • Empathy Circle

  • Empathic Design Workshop


    • HCD: To co-teach and co-learn the IDEO HCD design process from the class materials

    • Each team member to be able to

    • experience an empathic listening and an empathy circle.

    • facilitate an empathy circle.

    • redesign the empathic circle with HCD tools to be more effective at fostering empathy.

    • teach/lead an empathy circle and a mini empathic to others

    • develop a scaleable empathy circle tool to create more empathy in the world?

    • Develop empathy circles as a way of developing an empathic way of being?

    • Develop empathy circles as a gateway to HCD.

  • Develop empathy circles as a reproducible process that can be replicated and go viral.

Levels of Goals

  • Immediate Goals: nearest tasks at hand

    • we want to create an empathy tool, by the end of the year, one part of the design challenge is around creating that tool

  • Intermediate Goals

    • how might that tool be improved down the line?

  • Long Term Goals

    • the bigger picture and how it changes the world.

    • For example, we want to create a empathy circle tool that could be taken to places like the refugee camps around Syria. Ie to have them practice empathy and HCD to solve their countries war and problems.

Evaluation at the end: How well did it we address our goals?

Process from Tim

How might we.... articulate and express the goal of the final workshop to the satisfaction of participant?

Jun asks, What is the goal of the final workshop?

  • Is it to come up with a structured format for empathy circles done online?

  • Or actual workshops done in person with a group?


  • Design a basic empathy workout practice that can be done over and over again to strengthen and exercise our empathy muscles.

  • Create a safe empathic container to bring problems or struggles into for healing. It's like a big bubbling cauldron that you can bring dirty cloths to and have them be cooked clean. You bring your concerns, anxieties, fears, angers, depression, loneliness, alienation, stuckness, issues, etc, to be cleared.

The Magic Circle - John William Waterhouse

  • To create a structure and support material to have online and in-person empathy circles and Empathic design workshops.

  • Also, the idea is to constantly iterate on the empathy circle so that it keeps getting more refined and can be applied to more and more situations.